Chapter 97 The coffin that appeared

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When Luo Yingbai heard the laughter, he put his hand in front of his eyes and looked at the other person carefully. Only then did he realize that the person in front of him seemed a little abnormal.

The madman laughed twice and then stopped. His eyes looked strangely at Luo Yingbai up and down, and his lips moved slightly, as if he was mouthing something again.

Luo Yingbai looked back at Xia Xianning, tilted his head and put his ears close to the lunatic, and asked, "What did you say?"

While he was approaching, Xia Xianning suddenly shouted: "Brother, stay away!"

But after all, he shouted a little slower. The madman's head suddenly leaned forward, and his lips kissed the side of Luo Yingbai's cheek.

Because Luo Yingbai tilted his head and couldn't see his movements, he didn't have time to dodge. The lunatic's lips rubbed against his face, and Xia Xianning pulled Luo Yingbai away.

He shielded Luo Yingbai behind him, kicked him away, and looked at him vigilantly, but the other party did not attack as he imagined.

The lunatic was kicked to the ground by Xia Xianning, like a child who succeeded in pranking, he laughed again, and muttered, "I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

Luo Yingbai held Xia Xianning tightly, and said, "What are you talking about, who is going to die?"

The lunatic said with a smile: "You, me, and him are all dead, hahahahahaha!"

Luo Yingbai tried to communicate with the other party, but the madman kept saying the same two sentences over and over again.

It was easy to tell whether he was a god or a ghost, but it was really difficult to communicate with such a lunatic. Luo Yingbai said to Xia Xianning, "Why don't we waste time with him? Let's go along this road and have a look first."

Xia Xianning wiped his face with her hand, as if she didn't feel it was enough, she kissed the place where the lunatic had kissed, and said sullenly: "Okay, let's go."

Luo Yingbai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and patted Xia Xianning comfortingly. When he turned his head, the madman was staring directly at the two of them, his eyes widened, his lips curved, revealing an extremely weird smile.

If it was really a ghost or a monster in front of him, Xia Xianning might have started fighting with him long ago, but both of them could clearly see that this lunatic is indeed an ordinary human being, but his behavior is so Weird.

Even Luo Yingbai felt a little hairy on his back now, and he turned around and didn't want to look at this person anymore. At this moment, a voice behind him said: "Young man, be silent, don't talk to him, Gao is like that. "

Charlotte and the two followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man in his forties. He was very thin and his back was bent. He was carrying a wicker chair that could accommodate a person on his back. One of the straw sandals on his feet was broken. The toes can be vaguely seen. Under the strong sunlight, his skin was almost black and shiny, his face was covered with sweat, and his lips were cracked several times.

When the madman saw him, he jumped up from the ground. The man waved his arms, and the madman ran away screaming.

Luo Yingbai handed over the mineral water he was carrying and said, "The weather is really hot. Brother, please drink some water. What do you call me?"

The man thanked him, took the mineral water, touched it in his hand, was reluctant to drink it, and put it into the cloth pocket at his side. He looked up and felt a little embarrassed, rubbed his hands and said, "Just call me Lao Li."

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