Chapter 138 Great Tonic Soup

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Xia Xianning said: "Because of this, he must have some purpose."

Although the female ghost didn't quite understand what they were talking about, she still tried her best to recall the scene at that time and said: "I think... he didn't seem to see my watch by chance. When he came, he didn't look at other people's stalls and looked around. After a while, he found me and walked over directly."

Luo Yingbai reacted quickly: "Someone told him that you would sell watches there, right? Hey, do you know a man named Lou Miao?"

The female ghost shook her head blankly.

Xia Xianning and Luo Yingbai looked at each other, and said to the female ghost: "You go back to the office to register first, we will come to you tomorrow and take you to deliver the check."

The female ghost thanked her and turned to leave. After she walked a few steps, she was suddenly stopped by Luo Yingbai.

Luo Yingbai said: "Wait a minute, how did you come to the ghost market to sell things?"

The female ghost said: "It was a woman who told me. She is quite young and looks good. There is blood on her head. She may have died after smashing her head."

Xia Xianning immediately asked, "What's your name?"

The female ghost said blankly: "I don't know. We met on the way to escape. We had a casual chat and she told me this."

That's what I said, but it's not easy to distinguish between intentional and unintentional. How could things be so coincidental?

All ghosts will maintain their state of death after death. For example, the female ghost whose head was broken, and Luo Yingbai, who was stabbed to death by many knives, will be covered in ghosts when he reaches the underworld. It's the blood hole walking around, being blown by the wind and feeling cold...

Luo Yingbai retracted his strange thoughts, took out the photo sent by Qiao Guanglan and handed it over, saying, "Take a look, is it her?"

This time, the female ghost shook her head.

"She is not that beautiful. Her face is a little concave, her hair is short, and her eyebrows are long and thin..."

Although he was denied, Luo Yingbai didn't appear too surprised this time, and an idea was forming in his mind.

He took back the photo and asked the female ghost to go inside and make a face puzzle to restore the appearance she described, while he silently restored the development of the whole thing in his mind.

First of all, it was Zhu Linya who suspected that Xia Zheng was having an affair and "bumped into a ghost" while following him. Later, at Xia Changwei's birthday party, she claimed that the ghost she met looked very similar to Xia Zheng's first girlfriend.

Then Luo Yingbai and Xia Xianning heard that Xia Zheng didn't go out to date his lover, but went to the ghost market to buy a watch with a purpose.

Similarly, the female ghost who sold the watch was prompted by a person to think of selling the watch. However, the person who hinted her and the ghost Zhu Linya bumped into were different. This is the current incompatibility.

Luo Yingbai told Xia Xianning her thoughts, Xia Xianning pondered for a second, and said simply: "It doesn't necessarily mean that you are a different ghost."

Luo Yingbai was stunned, and said: "You're right, some ghosts can change their appearance. If it's to get close to Xia Zheng and gain his trust...pretending to be his first love girlfriend is a good choice."

Xia Xianning nodded, and Luo Yingbai added: "So the remaining question now is what use does Xia Zheng want this watch for."

Xia Xianning said: "Let's go to the pawn shop that sold that watch first."

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