Chapter 4

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Chelsea closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she stepped into her apartment.

Three days, and there's still no sign of or a clue that could lead to Yin. There was no CCTV from where she had been kidnapped, and no one had seen either the car or the men in the surroundings or nearby. It was as if they had vanished into thin air. "It's only been three days, we'll find her," Chelsea told herself, but a voice inside her assured her that it was not possible. Chelsea wanted to cry. "No, I'm not letting them win! No harm will come to Yin!" she promised herself.

~ x ~

I opened my eyes feeling sick. As I slowly regained my senses, I found myself in a basement. Its only source of light was a singular, loosely hanging bulb in the centre of the ceiling. My mouth moved to utter the words 'Where am I?' when I felt it stuffed. I spit the cloth out and soon noticed my hands and feet tied. It hit me that I had been kidnapped.

I tried to move around and untie myself. "It's no use, young lady," a rough voice came from across the room. I peered into the semi-darkness to see who my kidnapper was. An American, with elegantly styled blond hair and ocean blue eyes, dressed in an expensive grey suit, stepped into my presence. Although well-dressed, he looked old enough to be my father and had an intimidating aura. I found myself crawling back as he stepped closer to me. "Well," he said, "You'll be staying here a very long time. Make yourself comfortable." "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I asked as harshly as I could. "Let me ask you some questions to make you feel comfortable," the man completely ignored me, "How long have you known your best friend?"

I turned away. He was not going to get any words out of me before he answered my questions. My gesture made all his henchmen, who had been standing quietly behind him, point their guns at me. I felt a shiver run down my spine. "Calm down boys," the blond guy said, "Her being here should be enough to serve the purpose. If not, I have other ways of dealing with this mess."

"Let me go! Who are you?" I yelled after the man as he got up and started to leave. But all I got in response was a door slammed shut.

Where the fuck am I? What's going on!? Hell, how long have I been here?

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