Chapter 22

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Black Bird's eyes wandered around the room. He was used to parties of this kind, having attended them since his teenage years. Still, he took a moment to admire the decorations and lighting of the hall. It was brand new, and Dae-Ho had done his best to highlight and show off. "Too bad it won't last long," Black Bird thought.

Black Bird sat alone on the red leather couch prepared exclusively for him. It was positioned such that he had a view of the entire hall. His men were stationed in all corners of the hall, enabling them to act quickly and get as many people out as possible as soon as a casualty occurred.

"I have prepared a special edition of Opus One, especially for this event, boss. Would you like to try some?" Dae-Ho approached Black Bird, bowing politely. "Sure," Black Bird replied. Dae-Ho quickly made his way out of the hall to get the wine as Black Bird watched him. As Dae-Ho left the hall, a dark figure following him came to Black Bird's notice.


~ x ~

Black Bird immediately got up. "What is Jungkook doing here? Is Vynyla all right?"

The building in which Dae-Ho, Jungkook and Black Bird were, was a standalone hall with two floors. On the upper floor were rooms of various types -- dining rooms, conference rooms, living rooms and even bedrooms. The ground floor was a very large party hall connected to a small room reserved for preparing snacks and drinks. Dae-Ho hurried up the staircase and so did Jungkook. "Is he following him?" Black Bird mused as he trailed behind Jungkook, "What is he up to? Where is Vynyla?"

Dae-Ho eagerly made his way into one of the living rooms with Jungkook quietly following him. "The fool can't even notice such an obvious stalker! If Jungkook is here to kill him, I'm not going to interfere," Black Bird grunted, Dae-Ho's carelessness annoying him.

~ x ~

As soon as he made sure that his target was distracted, Jungkook tightened the grip on his gun. He slowly entered the room and locked it. The click of the bolt alerted his target. "Who are you?" Dae-Ho swiftly turned around with his revolver at the ready. "Your doom," Jungkook smirked. "Watch your tongue, boy, or you'll regret it," Dae-Ho growled, "Who are you?". "I can kill you with just one shot, Dae-Ho," Jungkook looked into his target's eyes, "But you don't have the privilege of such an easy death. Every ounce of your soul is going to scream and suffer for what you did." "Enough!" Dae-Ho shouted and pulled the trigger. Jungkook moved away just in time leaving Dae-Ho's bullet to make a hole in the door. He shot Dae-Ho's arm. Dae-Ho yelped as his gun slipped from his hands. He tried to pick it up again, but Jungkook threw his own weapon aside and lunged at him.

The two ended up in a brawl, with Jungkook overpowering Dae-Ho. He landed one powerful blow after another on him.

Gathering all his remaining strength, Dae-Ho gave a forceful push, throwing Jungkook away. Taking the chance, Dae-Ho bounded to Jungkook and strangled him. Jungkook struggled in his grasp. Dae-Ho grinned, "Not so confident now, are you?". Jungkook smirked. Seeing that Dae-Ho was distracted, he pulled a knife out of his belt and stabbed Dae-Ho. Blood spilt from Dae-Ho's stomach as Jungkook pushed him off and continued to twist the knife, making sure Dae-Ho shuddered with every turn. "This," he said, pushing the knife further inside him, "Is for Ji Ah!"

Jungkook finally took his hands off the knife, which was now buried deep in Dae-Ho's lifeless body. He was panting, his eyelashes wet. Jungkook looked at his blood-stained hands as he sank onto the floor. He had done it. He had finally avenged Ji Ah. His lips curved into a satisfied smile.

All of a sudden, Jungkook heard an explosion and felt everything around him heat up and burst before he blacked out.

~ x ~

"How is he now?" I looked worriedly at Yoongi. "You don't need to give him so much attention. He's just a guard," Yoongi said sternly. "The patient has regained consciousness, sir," the doctor came out of the room. I proceeded to walk in but Yoongi held me back, "Go back to your room."

I huffed, walking back to my room.

Yoongi returned late from the party last night, perhaps around 2 am. I was headed towards the kitchen to get some water when Yoongi stepped in, bruised all over. I hurried up to him when I saw him in that state. That's when my eyes fell on Jungkook, badly injured and being carried over by Yoongi's men. "Jungkook!?" I shrieked as I tried to step closer to him but Yoongi pulled me back. "He killed one of my most powerful subordinates," he said angrily, "How did he leave here? What are you up to?"

"What?" I glanced at Jungkook in horror, trying to sink in what I just heard.

"I said, did you-"

"He was with me until I fell asleep," I cut Yoongi off, "I was having a nightmare so I woke up. I thought he would be in his quarters. I don't know if he left in between."

Yoongi sighed, turning towards his men, "Take him to his room and call a doctor."

~ x ~

Black Bird sat down on a chair in front of the bed. Jungkook had just opened his eyes. "Hey, boss," he gave a small smile when he found Black Bird in the room. "You dare to address me like that after you killed my men?" Black Bird looked intensely at Jungkook. Jungkook shrugged, "If you wanted me dead, I would already have been by now." "The only reason you're alive is because I'm curious, boy," Black Bird began, "Why did you kill Dae-Ho?"

Jungkook let out a weak laugh, "The villain raped and killed my sister."

A minute of silence elapsed. Black Bird looked at Jungkook. He had a dark look in his eyes. "Is that why you joined my service?" Black Bird asked, "So you could get to Dae-Ho?" "Yes," Jungkook's smile had disappeared.

"And what do you plan on doing now?"

Jungkook shrugged, "Now that I have avenged Ji Ah, I can die in peace. Do whatever you want with me." The answer made Black Bird raise his eyebrows, "Are you an orphan?" "No, my parents live in Busan," Jungkook replied.

"Would you like to go back?"

Jungkook sighed, "Ji Ah had been missing for several days before her body was found. When the police found her corpse, my parents were distraught. I swore that I would kill the man who did this to her. In the process, I distanced myself from my family and couldn't look after them in their hour of need. If I go back, I don't know if they will accept me."

A lone tear left Jungkook's eyes. Black Bird got up and stepped closer to him. "Listen, boy," he began, readying his gun, "Since you killed my subordinate, I ought to kill you. But luckily for you, there was a blast in that building, and Dae-Ho's body was burnt with it. There is no proof that you killed Dae-Ho."

Jungkook smirked, "Is there something you want me to do?"

"You are one of the most capable fighters I have ever met," Black Bird replied, "I want you to continue as Vynyla's bodyguard."

"And what if I say no?"

"Then I'm afraid this will be your last day on earth," Black Bird pointed his gun at Jungkook. "I'll do it out of my own free will," Jungkook smiled and leaned back, "She's stuck here with people like you. I feel sorry for her."

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