Chapter 17

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Night Sky sat near the window, fiddling with a pair of dice. He tended to do that when he was either agitated or thinking deeply. Outside it had just ceased to rain, and the beauty of the world beyond his window brought a small smile to Night Sky's face. "Is it ready?" he asked without turning to see who had entered the room. "Yes, Charles," came the reply.

Jonathan Swift, Night Sky's middle-aged secretary, was the only person who had ever dared to, and was allowed to, address him by his first name. They had been together since the beginning of Night Sky's mafia career, and Night Sky could trust him with his life.

"Our black baby bird is soon going to be kicked out of his nest," Night Sky smirked.

~ x ~

"What's the news?" Black Bird asked the pale woman who got into the car with him. His most talented and trusted spy, she removed her mask before answering, "Baek Hyeon's deal with Night Sky is confirmed. They met last night. An indigo case was presented to Baek Hyeon in exchange for permits to set up shop."

"Contents?" Black Bird asked.

"From what I could see, a remote of some kind. It is obviously for a weapon; we just don't know which sort."

"Keep an eye on it."

She nodded. "Also, I happened to pass by an interesting person in Night Sky's camaraderie."

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