Chapter 34

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"I'm telling you it looks better my way!"

"You're blind! Just look at the mess you've made of her hair!"

"Both of you could make nothing better than a bird's nest!"

"All three of you just stop!" I screamed. It made the boys stop arguing, but they still sent each other cold glares. I looked at my poor hair in the mirror and sighed.

The past two weeks passed with a lot of fun and frolic. Everyone -- Yoongi, Hoseok, Sun Hee, Seokjin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin and A-Yeong gathered often in the house, and we all had the time of our lives. It surprised me, for there were many things they had to worry about - Night Sky, for example. When I talked to A-Yeong about it she just shrugged it off, "Nothing is as serious as you're imagining it to be, dear. I have been a mafia longer than you have. And If I tell you not to worry, that means you don't worry." And so I decided not to worry.

Sun Hee, A-Yeong and I had a sleepover one night, and it was during that night that I discovered what was actually going on. "Hoseok gave the boys a good lecture about how they should be treating you," Sun Hee giggled, "They took it pretty seriously." "I'm not complaining at all," I grinned. I liked the attention I was getting, "Thank Hoseok for me."

Yoongi was the one who surprised me the most. He began to flirt with me. It was as if some barrier, which had been holding him back all this while, had been taken down. He also spared no opportunity to bring up our past encounters and tease me about it. The incident he brought up most recently was so embarrassing that I had to run away to hide my vermillion face. I don't remember the incident very well because I was drunk, and I highly suspect Yoongi of deliberately crafting non-existent details just to embarrass me. What I remember is, I had the house to myself one day, around a week after I started living with the Mins. My frustration with my situation was at its peak, and I roamed about the house looking for some weak window glass to break and jump out. Instead, I stumbled upon a fresh stock of soju some irresponsible housemaid forgot to put in the fridge. I don't know what came over me that I devoured six bottles of it and collapsed right there on the floor. I have a hazy memory of being picked up and taken somewhere after, but according to Yoongi, this is what happened - I was found drunk and in a terrible state in the kitchen by Yoongi and A-Yeong. I mumbled something incoherent, so they came closer to listen. Apparently I had been saying, " handsome". A-Yeong chuckled and signalled Yoongi to pick me up and take me to my room, but when he took me in his arms, I began to kick and throw my hands into the air, "Yaaahhhhh! Yoongi-ahhhhhh! PUT ME DOWN! Or I'll...I'll fall in love with WON'T LIKE IT!". Yoongi had to put up with all that movement and screaming as he climbed up the stairs and walked to my room, finally leaving me on my bed.

I can't help feeling butterflies when I'm around Yoongi. Maybe it's because I've been living with him so long; I don't know. What I do know is that this wasn't the case before. At least, not this strong. Something changed between us since Do Hyun died. I told Jungkook about it, and his advice to me was to not think about anything and just go with the flow.

I still can't help but act formally around Yoongi, but our overall attitude towards each other has changed. It has become more soft, to be exact. Not that I ever was harsh with Yoongi; the max I did was to glare at him and curse him under my breath. Yoongi is the one who changed. It's sweet how he notices the little things. I love jasmine flowers, and one day, I woke up surrounded by them, their heavenly scent filling my room. I took in the way they had been arranged in the room with delight, until a gentle knock followed by a "come in" distracted me from it. Yoongi stepped in through the door with a smile, "Happy Birthday." "Is this..." My eyes widened in surprise when I looked at him and then at the flowers. He scratched his neck shyly, " you like it?". "Of course!" I beamed, "Thank you so much, Yoongi. I think I'll remember this forever!"

The rest of the boys are real gems. They are all so sweet and caring; so much so that I feel jealous of Yoongi for having such great people around him (myself included, haha!). It's endearing to see them love each other so much, and I'm so happy I get to share that love.

One more noteworthy change that came about in the past few weeks was Jungkook's relationship with the others. One day we woke up to find Taehyung and Jungkook missing, and we searched the whole house until we found them unconscious in a room, three huge bottles of high-quality whisky lying empty on the coffee table they were deflated on. Turns out, Taehyung and Jungkook bonded over alcohol. Taehyung made that very clear when he woke up, "Listen everyone. I like Jungkook. He's really cool, and I'm going to spend my time with him as if we were buddies, which we are. Whether you like it or not." This made the others see him as someone more than just a bodyguard. He is the youngest of us all, and the most talented. That and his cuteness made him the apple of everyone's eye. "Our Jungkookie is so talented, we are so proud of him!" is something I would often hear.

~ x ~

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook decided that the way I dressed was not eye-catching enough. I was, they claimed, in desperate need of a makeover. They picked out a new outfit for me, which was fine; the black skinny jeans with a light grey turtleneck paired with a black jacket made me look badass. A pearl pendant hung around my neck, giving the outfit a finishing touch. They now had me seated in front of a vanity mirror, deciding to do my hair into a stylish ponytail, but all three of them had three different ideas on how to go about it.

I picked up the comb and looked at my hair. Combining all three of their styles, I did my hair into a low bun, tying it with a black ribbon. I smiled as the three of them cheered in satisfaction.

~ x ~

Jimin, Seokjin and Namjoon stared at the blueprint on Seokjin's desk. Jonathan had just sent a blueprint of Night Sky's primary base with all the vulnerable points marked in red. After Min-jun's death, Night Sky visited and secured all of his bases, allowing Jonathan to have a good look at them and report back to Jimin. "That's it?" Namjoon voiced the words in their heads. Seokjin frowned. A normal person looking at the blueprint would call it huge, but it was average compared to what the mafias ran. Jimin's first thoughts flew to Jonathan. Was he trying to trick them?

"No. Night Sky is clever. He knows it would be too easy to ruin him if he maintained a primary base in a country where he's lowest on the power pyramid," Seokjin spoke up, answering Jimin's doubts. "Night Sky is gathering his men. Planes packed with foreigners are becoming too frequent in Korea. Shouldn't we do something about it?" Namjoon asked. "If we killed him now, it would be too easy, and no fun," Seokjin smirked.

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