Chapter 29

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The back door of the Jung residence is remarkably hidden.

The Jungs own a large, lovely-beyond-description country-style villa. The house always smelt of cookies and cakes, Mrs. Jung being an ardent baker. The villa came with a backyard, but it was so stuffed with trees and plants that even an ant couldn't fit into that space. Or so I thought, until today.

To a passerby, the canopy gave the impression that there was not an inch of breathable space between the trees, when in fact three large cars could fit inside easily. The trees had been planted in that way. The back gate was invisible as well, painted and shaped to match the fencing. No one could tell the presence of the gate until Hoseok opened it himself, which was precisely what he did.

"How's my little Yin doing?" Hoseok sported a big smile, his arms open wide.

"Little? I'm the same age as you!" I laughed as we hugged, "I'm impressed, Hoseok! Even the FBI cannot compete with the level of secrecy you have maintained with your back door."

Hoseok laughed, "You'll be using this door more often than the front gate now. Might as well get used to it."

~ x ~

Taehyung, Jungkook and I licked our lips as Sun Hee, Hoseok's wife, brought forth a freshly baked tray of chocolate chip cookies. "I've added raspberry flavour to them. It's an experiment," she said as she set the tray in front of us, "Give me your honest opinion." "They smell heavenly," I said, putting a cookie in my mouth, "And taste divine!"


"Oh, it's a piece of paradise!" Jungkook and Taehyung chimed in, making Sun Hee giggle and Hoseok burst out laughing. "It's been such a long time since I've seen you guys," he said as we devoured the tray, "How are you all doing?" "Hyeongsu was cursing her life at Yoongi hyung's place," Taehyung replied.


~ x ~

"Are you sure?" Hoseok looked hard at me.

"I am."

"I never thought I'd hear you say such things, Yin. You're such a logical person. What's wrong with you?" Hoseok sighed. "I know what I'm doing, Hoseok. Trust me," I said. "Still, how am I supposed to figure out where Do Hyun is? I can't just go around asking people. It's too dangerous." "I would never put you in danger, you know that," I replied, "I already know where he is. I just want you to help me slip out of your house and then come back unnoticed." Hoseok glanced at Jungkook and Taehyung chatting with Sun Hee in the living room. "What about your bodyguard?"

"It would be nice if he could come along, but that's up to you. Can you bust the both of us out?"

~ x ~

"Take care of yourselves," Hoseok kissed Sun Hee's cheek before leaving with Taehyung.

I told Hoseok about the little drama that happened at Yoongi's place; how Do Hyun ended up in Yoongi's hands after spying on him, and how I had to save him. I obviously couldn't tell Hoseok that I wanted to meet Do Hyun to clarify that I was going to dump Yoongi and that this was all a pretence, so I told him that I wanted to give Do Hyun a proper goodbye. What I proposed to do was the stupidest thing a person in my position could do, and so I was extremely grateful for Hoseok's trust in me when he agreed. He told Sun Hee what I intended to do, and asked Taehyung to visit Jimin with him while I and Jungkook stayed back with Sun Hee. The plan was simple - once Taehyung was out, we would escape. Taehyung fortunately agreed.

~ x ~

"Yin, this is a bad idea," Jungkook whispered for the umpteenth time. He was really starting to get on my nerves.

On my way to Hoseok's place, I spotted Do Hyun headed in the direction of the supermarket. Do Hyun only shops once a few weeks so he makes sure to buy the maximum each time he visits the supermarket, meaning that he spends a lot of time every time he comes. If we hurry, we might be able to catch him. It is already hard to search for people while maintaining discretion yourself, and Jungkook was not helping at all.

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