Chapter 30

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After quite a bit of seeking, we successfully found Do Hyun near the food stalls, pondering over which brand of instant noodles to buy. Hiding behind a rack dedicated to chips and biscuits, Jungkook and I observed him. After picking around five packets of noodles, Do Hyun moved and disappeared behind one of the other racks. I walked into the corridor to follow him, when a thud distracted my attention. Looking around, I found Jungkook on the floor with blood in his hair. My eyes widening, I stifled a scream as I immediately bent down to him, but before I could reach him a pair of strong hands grappled me, forcing a cloth to my nose. Everything went black after.

~ x ~


Taehyung and Hoseok entered Jimin's office after a polite knock. Their eyes landed on not one, but two familiar figures greeting them with cheer in their voice.

Hoseok paused when he saw Yoongi seated in front of him. Thoughts of Yin rushed into his mind, but he managed to brush them aside and ask in his usual chirpy voice, "Are you Yoongi now or Black Bird?"

"I'm always Yoongi for you, Hobi," Yoongi smiled as Hoseok and Taehyung took a seat beside him. Pleasantries were exchanged and after a bit of gossip, Taehyung brought up Yin's topic.

"Did we make such a bad impression on sinui?" Jimin asked rather hurtfully after Taehyung narrated the episode of the day. Hoseok frowned. "I understand that you all are very busy and don't have the time to invest in relationships," he said, turning to Yoongi, "But you need to spend more time with her. She was kidnapped one day by absolute strangers and told that the rest of her life had been decided for her. Imagine something like that happening to you. Will you be able to take it?"

Everyone remained silent. Yoongi sat immersed in thoughts. Hoseok expected a response from Yoongi, but the look on his friend's face assured him that his words had been received, so he didn't bother to try and get one.

Yoongi understood what Hoseok was trying to say. But he knew things Hoseok probably didn't. "Why don't we go to Hobi hyung's place now?" Jimin broke the ice, "Let's spend some quality time with sinui and cheer her up!"

~ x ~

"She hasn't returned yet?" Hoseok asked worriedly as his wife's wet forehead came into view. Sun Hee sweated a lot when she was stressed, and there was only one thing that could make her nervous right now. "Something wrong?" Yoongi turned to Hoseok. Hoseok closed his eyes and exhaled deeply, "What happened is..."

~ x ~

Everyone in the supermarket stood with their hands raised, trembling as goons holding guns surrounded them. Hoseok was in the control room checking the CCTV footage while Jimin, Taehyung and Yoongi examined every corner of the supermarket. "Here!" Jimin yelled, making the other two jog up to him. He pointed at a blood stain on the floor near the food stalls, "Someone's been hit. It's either sinui or her bodyguard." Yoongi bent down to look at the stain when Hoseok joined them. "It's Do Hyun," he said, "He hit Jungkook and kidnapped Yin. He bribed the security guard in the CCTV room for help." "Where are they now?" Jimin looked at Hoseok who replied worriedly, "In the police station."

~ x ~

I slowly blinked my eyes open, only to meet a strong light in my face and close them again. Do Hyun's piercing eyes met mine as I adjusted to the light. "Let's start talking, shall we?" he said in a slow, serious tone which made me shudder.

I found myself tied to a chair in an interrogation room. There was no one else in the room, and my gut alerted me of impending danger. I had no idea how I would react after finally seeing Do Hyun, but fear was definitely not an expected emotion. My instincts began to warn me against Do Hyun. I took a deep breath, brushing those feelings aside as I looked straight at him, "Hyun, this is not what you think it is."

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