Chapter 35

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"Korea is seeing an increase in tourism as people around the globe are beginning to take interest in Korean culture and nature hotspots. The highest number of tourists are from the U.S., U.K and Brazil. This-"


I glared at Yoongi who turned off the T.V. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" he said, walking to the bed and lying on top of me, his head resting beside mine. "Get off you're choking me!" I said with difficulty as I pushed him off. He pulled me on top of him with a pout. "Good night," he said. "It's only 8:30 pm, I don't want to sleep so soon. I don't even feel sleepy," I complained. Yoongi laughed, "You'll need the rest. We have a party to attend tomorrow. Go to sleep now." He put me back down and began gently patting me, as if lulling me to sleep. I smiled at the gesture. "Is there anyone new I'm getting to know tomorrow?" I asked. "No, I have a meeting tomorrow. You'll join me for dinner and then go down to enjoy the party like last time," Yoongi replied. I sighed as he continued to pat me. "You can stay back if you don't want to come," he said softly, noticing my sigh. "No, I'd like to come," I said, to which he put on a sly smile, "Someone's becoming a gangster."

"Attending a party does not make me a gangster," I scoffed, "I only have Jungkook to entertain me at home and I am bored. I'd rather attend the party." "Get some sleep then," Yoongi got up, turning off the lights. I groaned as he left the room.

~ x ~

"Cheers!" the bunch of teenagers encircling me helped themselves to champagne.

Most mafia deals happen at parties, which are also a way of showing off one's wealth and power. This was Yoongi's party, and he was having a meeting upstairs. I came down to the party hall after dinner. I was not able to admire the hall properly or enjoy the party the last time I was here, so this time I found myself a gang who were looking forward to enjoying the party as much as I was. The teenagers were kids of mafias and businesspeople, and their parents took the time to politely introduce themselves to me.

"Suits you. A kid enjoying with a bunch of other kids," Jungkook mocked. "Mind what you say, guard," I responded in a superior tone, crossing my legs, "You should know your limits." "Ugh, noona, that was so lame," a boy pretended to puke, and Jungkook fist-bumped him. I rolled my eyes.

Yoongi's party hall is not just a hall, it's a huge multi-storied building. The hall I was in was one of two halls occupying one entire floor of it. The other floors contained various other smaller halls and ballrooms, not to mention living rooms and dining rooms. One floor was dedicated to the kitchens. Yoongi owned ten other such buildings around Korea.

The party went on quite smoothly until a loud sound distracted our attention.


The hall opposite ours was on fire. Jungkook and I looked at each other for a split second before we immediately rushed the teenagers outside. It was a bomb blast. People scrambled to secure themselves and exit the building. Shouts and screams bounced off the walls. Jungkook and I helped the kids find their parents. "All the exits are on fire!" a panicking guard screamed as we made our way towards the staircase. "I know another way out! Everyone, follow me!" I yelled over the commotion, guiding the people down the staircase and towards a small trap door in the very back of the building. It led into the garden, and I had come across it the previous day when Yoongi brought me along to oversee the party arrangements. Thankfully the flames had not reached it yet.

"What happened to the fire alarms?" I grabbed a guard's hand who was running towards the exit. "They are all malfunctioning boss! This was planned!"

As I let go of the guard's arm, a faint wail fell on my ears. My eyes darted around, searching for the source of the sound. The fire had spread to the floor above and the ceiling was beginning to collapse. My eyes soon landed on a little boy stuck beneath a burning piece of debris. I ran to him and pulled him out, using my full strength to push the half-burnt debris off of him. Before either of us could make another move, a piece of the ceiling above us crashed down and I managed to push the boy away, but I got stuck, surrounded by fire on all sides. The flames rose and so did my heartbeat as I stepped back, suffocated by the rising smoke. I dropped onto the floor, my eyes burning and my senses beginning to dull. Fear rose in me with every passing second. Just then, some of the burning debris was kicked aside, and a hand pulled me out of the fire and away from it. I wobbled along with the hand, not being able to process my surroundings.

The hand stopped as soon as I felt the cool air of the night, and now I sensed two hands grabbing onto my arms, a soothing voice reaching my ears, "Yin, are you all right?"

"Yoongi..." I blinked, tears rolling out of my burning eyes as I began to make sense of my environment again. "Yoongi...I scared..." I sobbed as he pulled me into a hug. I grabbed his shirt, digging my nails into it as he rubbed my back, "It's okay, you're safe now."

I closed my eyes, enjoying the comfort of Yoongi's body against mine. After only a few minutes, he began to pull away. I tightened my grip on his shirt, not wanting to lose the warmth of his presence. "Yin," he began, gently trying to push me away, but I only clutched tighter, "No, Yoongi, don't go." My eyes pleaded with his, and as if answering my plea, he pulled me closer, his lips touching mine.

A wave of bliss and relief washed over me as I felt Yoongi's lips move against mine. I relaxed, my hands resting flat on his chest as he pulled me closer. "Wait for me at home," he said, putting a little distance between his face and mine. I noticed a car pull up near us. "No. I'll go with you," I said firmly, looking straight into his eyes. "I'll be back before you know it," he replied, his hands rubbing my arms comfortingly. "No, Yoongi, let me come with you. It's dangerous," I resisted. Yoongi smiled, kissing my forehead, "I'll be fine. I promise. Go home now."

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