Chapter 5

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Chelsea paced up and down her room. It's been more than a week since Yin went missing. "He can't keep doing this forever," she muttered to herself, "But what if he..."

She stopped dead in her tracks. He couldn't possibly harm her, could he?

The back of her head, which she had started to hate, said he could. He could do worse. Chelsea sighed. There was no other way out. She hated herself for delaying this, for putting herself before the one person who truly cared for her. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. It was stoic and determined.

~ x ~

"Bring her in," the American said with a grin. A tall blond girl wearing high heels stepped into the room. He turned around to look at her. She had his blond hair, but her features were more like her mother's. She also had her mother's hazel eyes. "It's been a long time," he said, the smile of victory broad on his face. "Let her go," the girl demanded. "Let who go?" he asked, pretending to be confused. "Your problems are with me. Yin has nothing to do with this. Release her now!" she raised her voice. The man chuckled, and then his expression darkened. He slapped the girl hard across her face. She fell down unconscious.

~ x ~

I tried every possible way to free myself, but all my efforts went in vain. I tried to think of new ways to escape, but my brain protested. It had grown numb due to the lack of food, water and sunlight the past few days. How many days had it been? To me, it felt like months, not days. Do Hyun and Chelsea must be so worried about me. I could do nothing to help myself or to help them find me. I cursed myself for being so dumb.

The door creaked open just then. A burly man came in, putting a cloth to my nose. Everything went black as soon as I inhaled the cloth's funny scent.

~ x ~

Opening my eyes, I found myself on a pavement. My head spun as I tried to sit up, the sudden presence of sunlight making my eyes burn. Someone came running up to me, "Yin? Yin! Can you hear me? Oh thank goodness! Yin! Are you okay?" I recognized the voice as Do Hyun's. "Hyun!" I exclaimed as we hugged. "Are...are you all right? Where have you been? Are you hurt?" he asked, his tone a mix of worry and joy. "I'm fine," I said, "It was so weird Hyun, I was put in a dark room-"

"Let's go home, love," Do Hyun interrupted, "You're weak. Freshen up and rest for a while before we talk, okay?" "Okay," I said, as he helped me into one of the police cars. The cars dropped us in front of my villa (which is our villa now, by the way).

I felt relaxed when the warm water from the shower hit me. Hyun had some food prepared by the time I stepped out, which I hungrily gobbled down while he remained quiet. He got up when I proceeded to do the dishes. "Leave that to me, you relax," he said, and I gladly accepted. "Can we go see Chelsea? She must've been worried as hell," I said as he came back. Do Hyun didn't meet my eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked, confused. "Chelsea's...missing..." he said slowly. "Huh? She must've gone down to the marketplace on the outskirts, it's nothing to worry about," I said. My answer made him raise his eyebrows, but then he hesitantly said, "She's been missing for three days. There's no sign of her. We've called and checked with everyone she knew."


I jumped in my seat, horrified. Do Hyun tried to calm me down. "We've been looking for her, don't panic," he said worriedly as sweat formed on my forehead. "What do you mean everything will be fine!? You've been looking for me! Did you find me? I happened to magically appear on the street when you were passing by!" I screamed. "We're doing our best..." he tried to reassure me. "It's not enough! Oh god!" I buried my head in my hands. Was Chelsea too going through all that I had been? Why was this happening?

"What happened to you? Tell me everything you can recall," Do Hyun asked after a pause. I calmed down, telling him everything I could remember.

"That's weird," he concluded.

"They were talking about my presence accomplishing some kind of purpose," I said.

"You mean like a bait?"

"Yes, but, for what? I don't know anybody. And if they are the ones who kidnapped Chelsea as well, that still doesn't make sense. She is not connected to anybody either."

"How can you say that? What do you know about her anyway? Besides, your kidnapper, you mentioned, has blond hair..."

"So!?" I asked, irritated, "You and I have black hair. Does that make us brother and sister? That man looked nothing like Chelsea." "Think, Yin," Do Hyun urged, "This is not a regular kidnapping. It's just the two of you, no other cases have been reported in or around Seosan. Did anything happen? Anything that could connect you to these criminals?"

"There is one thing, but I still don't see how it involves Chelsea," I said slowly.

"What is it?"

I narrated what happened one night a year ago, about the man who had come to my door with a bullet wound. Do Hyun sank in his seat. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" he asked angrily. "I didn't think it was that important," I replied. "What do you mean it wasn't important!? Yin! Was the presence of a bullet not proof enough that something was seriously wrong?" he shouted. This was the first time Do Hyun raised his voice with me, and it hurt. "I'm sorry," I said sadly. My tone calmed him down. "Next time, don't keep such things from me, okay?" he said as I nodded my head. He smiled and kissed me. "I'm going now. Take care, and when you need me or we need you, it's a call."


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