Chapter 31

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A-Yeong was an erupting volcano. She briskly made her way towards Yin's room, ready to teach her a lesson she would remember for the rest of her life. A grip on her arm followed by a familiar voice made her stop.

"Mom, let it go."

"Are you out of your mind as well?" A-Yeong thundered, turning around. Yoongi stood still. "Mom, she's suffered enough. Leave her just this once." "Do you realise what she's done?" the anger in A-Yeong's voice rose with every word, "One mistake. Just one small mistake and she could have put us all in trouble. She needs to know her limits! How dare she go to the police! How dare she even think of stepping out of my house and doing something so foolish! No, I've been too lenient with her. I'll-" "Mom. You are being too harsh on her."

There was a pause. A-Yeong stared at Yoongi in disbelief, dumbfounded at what she just heard. Eyeing him for a while, she asked, "Why are you suddenly so soft?"

Yoongi smiled as A-Yeong's eyes bore into him. "Mom, nothing's gone wrong. We don't have any trouble from anyone. What are you so scared of?" "Don't you dare avoid my question, Min Yoongi," A-Yeong squinted her eyes. "She's my wife, isn't she? It's my job to take care of her," Yoongi replied, earning a scoff from A-Yeong. He continued, "Mom, you cannot force people to live their lives the way you want. As for Vynyla, the love of her life died right in front of her eyes. I think that's punishment enough." "Don't forget who you are," A-Yeong lifted a finger, "People are meant to be puppets dancing to your tune, Black Bird. Mercy will only make you a loser." "You can be sure that Vynyla won't repeat such a thing. Whatever happened to her is enough to teach her a lesson she'll remember for the rest of her life," Yoongi's calm yet adamant arguments made A-Yeong sigh in defeat.

~ x ~

"I apologise, sir, I'm not allowed," Jungkook bowed politely to Taehyung in response to his invitation for a drink. "Oh come on, Jungkookie, no need to feel so formal around me!" Taehyung swayed a little, giving away the fact that he was already half drunk.

Jungkook knew why Taehyung was being so nice to him all of a sudden. He wanted him to spill about Yin. "I can spot a whisky lover from miles away," Taehyung continued, "Stop acting now, you little bunny, and come have a drink with me."

Jungkook considered the offer. It was not about the whisky; he fell out of love with whisky months ago. Should he tell Taehyung the truth? Could he be trusted? Yin had often talked about how women had good intuition, and Jungkook wished he had some of it right now. After a few minutes of consideration, Jungkook plopped down on the sofa in front of Taehyung and poured himself a glass, "Can I trust you?" "Of course, of course," Taehyung scooted closer, making Jungkook chuckle, "So obvious!"

Taehyung frowned, "I have every right to know what's going on here. I only know pieces of the tale and I don't like it."

Two big bottles of whisky sat empty on the table on which two full-grown men lay almost unconscious.

Jungkook narrated Yin's entire history to an attentive Taehyung, but it didn't stop there. The two went on to discuss a lot more things, teaming up in between to comment on and roast parts of Yin's story.

Taehyung slowly pulled himself up, "Yah...Jungkookah...I thought you were a're actually quite fun...bunny..." he kissed Junkook's forehead, making the latter groan, " bear...I thought you were an idiot...I can deal with you...but..."

~ x ~

Yoongi closed his eyes and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. "Come in," a faint voice answered, allowing him to make his way inside. "Did I wake you up?" he asked the sleepy figure on the bed who was just beginning to sit up. "No, I woke up a few minutes ago," she replied. "Good," Yoongi sat down on the bed, "How are you feeling now?"

~ x ~

We came back this morning from Jimin's house, after letting Jungkook rest for the whole day yesterday. I fell asleep post the heavy lunch we had this afternoon. My eyes searched for the clock. It was 8:00 pm.

"How are you feeling now?" Yoongi made a polite inquiry as he sat himself down on the bed. "Better," I replied. He arched his eyebrows, "You don't exactly seem pleased to see me." "That's because you barely drop by," I frowned. My reply made him look keenly at me, "Are you mad at me for killing Do Hyun?"

I let out all the hurt and fear I felt from the episode of Do Hyun's murder when I was with Jungkook. Once I calmed down, I felt empty. It irritated me. I should have some kind of feelings, shouldn't I? About my situation, about what would happen next. But no, there was absolutely nothing. It made me wonder if any of it ever really mattered to me. Did I really have a problem being stuck with the Mins? Why did I care so much about Do Hyun then? Maybe Jungkook was right when he said that I never really was in love with Do Hyun, that I was denying my true feelings under the guise of being loyal and righteous.

"Vynyla, I asked you something," Yoongi's voice cut through the silence. "Stop calling me that," I scowled, earning confused looks from him. "No one calls me Vynyla," I explained with a sigh, "It feels weird when you say it. Just call me Yin." "Okay...Yin," he said. "About your question," I began, "No, I'm not. You saved me from him. Thank You."

Yoongi stared at me for quite a few minutes, perhaps trying to confirm the sincerity in my words. "I know why you went to meet Do Hyun," he said after some silence, "You wanted to tell him that this was all a pretence and that you would come back to him after taking care of me."

My eyes widened. "H-How long have you known?" I asked sheepishly, sinking into the bed while pulling my duvet over me. "For a very long time," he replied, getting up and walking towards the window with his back to me. "Why didn't you kill him when you caught him then? Why have you been putting up with me?" questions poured out from my mouth as he turned back to face me. "If I had tried to control you, either by killing him or forcing you, you would have only tried harder to escape. And judging by how bold you are," he said, "Physical threats would have never held you back."

I was stunned. The revelation that he had known the reasons behind my actions all this time left me at a loss for words. "From tomorrow," he continued, "Sit with me, and save yourself the trouble of peeking through the door." "Okay...Wait...What!? How did you know I eavesdrop on you?" I squeaked as he left the room with a smirk.

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