Chapter 13

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"Bring him in," the American said with a smirk. He was actually quite surprised, but pretended as if everything was under control. His nemesis had come to visit him after all.

Black Bird entered the room, settling down cross-legged on a cream couch in front of Night Sky. "What brings you here, my friend?" Night Sky began the conversation. "I see that you also trade in girls, Night Sky," Black Bird said. "I do," Night Sky replied, trying to think of reasons why Black Bird would be interested in that, "If you are here to shop, let me assign one of my men to give you a tour-"

"Your men picked up a chick they weren't supposed to," Black Bird cut him off, "I'm here to take her back."

Night Sky arched his eyebrows. He didn't miss Black Bird's serious expression, which assured him that this was not a joke. He signalled to one of his men standing guard at the door and whispered something into his ear. The man left and then shortly returned, murmuring something into Night Sky's ear while showing him a picture. Night Sky's eyebrows rose in surprise when his eyes fell on the picture.

"That girl, Kim Vynyla, she really is something, isn't she?" he began, turning to Black Bird. The smirk on his face was unmistakable. "She was quite a help in catching my daughter too."

"She belongs to me, Night Sky," Black Bird did not raise his voice, but the threat in it was clear, "And you will release her." Night Sky laughed to himself. "Well, she's my property now," he said as he spread his arms on the couch, "If you want her, you've got to buy her, or trade something for her."

The sound of a bullet bursting through a skull cut their conversation. Night Sky reached for his gun but a bullet went through his hands before he could, causing him to yelp in pain. Before he could react, he was pushed off the couch and tied onto a chair in the same room, receiving a lot of blows and punches.

Night Sky looked up to see that his men had been shot down. He himself was surrounded by Black Bird's men. Black Bird walked up to him, gun in hand. He touched the weapon to Night Sky's forehead.

"Oh no, Night Sky," he began, "Look at what a mess you've made...tch tch tch."

Night Sky's men lay lifeless on the floor, victims to the bullets of Black Bird's men. Black Bird's eyes travelled across the room before focusing back on Night Sky. Night Sky gritted his teeth.

"I gave you a chance to end this peacefully. Too bad you didn't take it," Black Bird said. He gave a pause before continuing, "Do you know why I'm not pulling the trigger? I don't kill chickens like you. Let's finish this properly, after you prove yourself worthy enough to die at my hands."

"You will pay for this, Yoongi," Night Sky growled.

Black Bird smirked and turned to leave. His men followed him out as Night Sky watched them walk away with glowering eyes.

~ x ~

I woke up with a pain in my head. "Ow," I groaned as I blinked my eyes open, trying to process where I was. It was a basement-like cell, dark and smelly. I was not alone; a number of young women surrounded me. Most of them seemed younger than me. Some of them were either fast asleep or unconscious, I couldn't tell, while the rest sat huddled up with swollen eyes and dry tears on their cheeks. No one looked like they wanted to talk. One of the girls noticed me sitting up and said, "You're up. You've been unconscious for a very long time. If you hadn't woken up in one more minute, I would have assumed you died." I managed to put on a smile. The girl had a first aid kit beside her. I touched the back of my head where it was still paining and felt bandages wrapped around it. "Did you tend to me?" I asked. "Yes," she replied. "Thank you," I said.

I thought back to what had brought me here. I remember hearing a scream on my way home and then following it to see that a girl was being kidnapped. Things blacked out after that. I must have been hit on the head. "Fuck," I cursed.

I sat quietly, thinking of ways to get out. This was obviously a woman trafficking gang. We needed to escape as soon as possible.

The door of the cell suddenly burst open, and my eyes widened seeing the man standing there. He quickly entered the cell, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of it. "You!?" I screamed more in surprise than in anger, "Is this your doing? Where are you taking me?"

I could feel Yoongi roll his eyes as a torrent of questions escaped my lips. He ignored me as usual and pushed me into a black car before getting in himself. "Where are we going?" I persisted. "You were taken by Night Sky's men," he finally answered, "The lesson I taught him today will make sure he stays in his limits."

I slumped on the car seat. I was just kidnapped by a mafia, and his arch-enemy decided to bust me out. Is it because he thinks I'm betrothed to him, or does he want to get back at his rival?

"What about the other girls?" I asked hesitantly.

"They can leave if they like. I don't care."

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