Chapter 32

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Rain poured down in torrents. It was dark everywhere, save for a few lines of light offered by torchlights in the hands of a bunch of men.

The rain plastered Namjoon's black raincoat to his body. Standing on the terrace of an abandoned building, he had a clear view of another smaller one in front of it. A faint light vanished as soon as it appeared in one of the windows of that building. "Go," Namjoon commanded.

~ x ~

Namjoon picked the beaten man up from the floor. Blood dribbled down the man's nose to his mouth. Despite the darkness, Namjoon immediately recognized the man, his eyes widening as he did.

~ x ~

I walked into the room with Yoongi and sat down beside him on the sofa. Seokjin, Jimin, Namjoon and A-Yeong were present there as well, each sending me cold glares. It sent a shiver down my spine. I guess my antics have been made public knowledge. Yoongi raised an eyebrow at them, pulling one leg over another, "Anyone got a problem with my wife?"

The tone of his voice indicated the warning, and the others checked themselves before putting on a professional expression.

"Bring him in," Namjoon ordered the guards standing in the room. A stout man of medium height, who was perhaps in his 40s, soon stood in front of us. He was limping and had bruises all over him. "You?" Seokjin stared at the man with wide eyes. "Yeah, boss. It's me, your secretary, Choi Min-jun. Good to see you too," The man replied sarcastically. I marvelled at his guts. He was definitely going to die today. "What did that pig offer to make you betray me?" Seokjin growled, and I figured "the pig" must be Night Sky. "I was in charge of everything!" Min-jun bellowed, "As soon as Night Sky expanded his business to cover the entire of South Korea, you weaklings would be taken out and I would be the one controlling everything! I would rule Korea! Night Sky would've left for the US, and entire Korea would have been in my hands! Until you," he turned to Namjoon, "Messed everything up." Seokjin's revolver was out in a flash and before I could even blink a bullet burst through Min-jun's forehead and he collapsed on the floor, dead. I inhaled sharply. Seokjin was boiling. "Well, at least we've taken care of the traitors," he said after he calmed down, "What do we do with Night Sky now?"

"The first thing Night Sky would do after this traitor's death is to visit his most important base," Yoongi said, "We'll target him there. Tell Jonathan to keep updating his movements."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Jimin silently scoff. He didn't trust this Jonathan guy, did he?

~ x ~

"Damn it!" Night Sky banged his desk. Jonathan had just given him the news of Min-jun's death. "How did this happen?" Night Sky sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Namjoon sealed all our import bases. We didn't have a lot of men and we couldn't risk damage, so we didn't fight back. The abrupt stop of supply and no messages from the workers forced Min-jun out," Jonathan replied. "And what were you doing, you idiot? Didn't I send you to spy and report their movements to me?" Night Sky barked. "I was with Seokjin all the time," Jonathan mumbled, "I didn't know what Namjoon was up to. But I do know what they're going to do next, boss." Jonathan gave a pause to get Night Sky's attention. "Go on," Night Sky responded.

"They think you are going to visit your primary base to secure it. They are planning to ambush you there."

"Is that so?" Night Sky smirked, "Well, then, let's plan a little welcome party for them."

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