Chapter 11

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"The last of the cars has left but she hasn't returned yet," he said while signalling one of his companions to go inside the temple. "And you are sure she was not in any of the cars?" the female voice over the phone asked sternly. "Yes, boss," he replied. His companion who had gone inside the temple came running out, "She's not there! She must've escaped!" "What!?" he tried to say it slowly but it came out more like a cry. "Don't follow her," the female voice commanded, "Come back."

~ x ~

Do Hyun closed his eyes and let out a sigh. Promotion meant that he had to deal with more work than before, and since he was one of the few officers in the station who could use a computer adeptly, he had been entrusted with a lot more responsibilities. On top of that, the entire department was hot on the trail of the Mins and the new American mafia. So it was indeed a very busy and serious morning when Yin burst into the office. The story she brought along was no less confusing, and honestly, hardly believable. They were all seated together now - himself, Yin, Seo Joon (who had been requested to continue working with the KNP and had become a close friend), and the chief. They pondered over the new information.

The Chief broke the silence, "If we assume what you said is true, miss Yin, it is implied that the Mins and the American are not associating with each other, they are rivals." "Yes, sir," Yin replied. "Hm," the chief sunk into his chair. "If this is true," Do Hyun began, "Then it is highly likely that Night Sky won't back off until he has the Mins down and Korea in his hands."

"It will be easier for us to target Night Sky than Black Bird," Seo Joon spoke, "He is unfamiliar with the country's system and has lost favour with the Korean mafia. He has no proper protection." "And how exactly do you plan to catch him, young man?" the chief asked sarcastically, "Shall we dispatch the army to patrol the country?" "Not the country, but the districts bordering South Chuncheong should be good," Seo Joon replied, "We would not require a lot of men. Yin said that she met Chelsea at Bowonsa Temple, so Night Sky cannot be farther away. We'll maintain a low profile; assign officers to keep an eye on potential hide-outs."

~ x ~

It's been a week since I escaped. I found out that Do Hyun hadn't noticed my absence at all, and no one needs to explain how furious that made me. "Did you not even come to apologize to me?" I asked in disbelief. "I'm sorry, I really am," Do Hyun said remorsefully, "There was no time to think about it. We had not one, but two mafias to track." Neither did I have the time to argue about it. We had to work together now. It was no longer just about Chelsea; we had to put an end to this mafia rule. I was also being more cautious this time. I didn't notice it at first, but A-Yeong had made no attempts to recapture me. It was strange. If she so much as wished, I would already have been in her presence. I wondered what she had in mind.

~ x ~

I woke up with a start. "Yin! Wake up!" it was Do Hyun. "Stop shaking me, I'm up!" I said, irritated and drowsy. "We have information," he began as I sat up, "The chief asked me to tell you. You're the only one who has seen both Black Bird and Night Sky. A lavish party is going to be held in a remote hotel in Jeonbuk, organised by some minor mafia. He plans to do business with Black Bird in that party." "And we have reason to believe that Night Sky will be attending as well," Seo Joon continued, "Possibly to make a deal of his own." "When will this party convene?" I asked, more alert now. "Tonight," Do Hyun replied, "Get ready now, we have to move."

~ x ~

The main yard itself was so stunning, bedecked with gold and silver lights of various hues blending into each other, that I wondered how magnificent the party hall must be.

Do Hyun and I, dressed as waiters, entered the party hall each holding a tray of wine glasses. I was to blend in and keep an eye out for our targets, while Do Hyun kept an eye on me. Seo Joon was stationed outside, in the vicinity of the hotel, ready with backup.

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