Chapter 23

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The swing slowed down on its own.

Although it was sunny, it was early enough for a sprinkling of senior citizens to be attracted to the park for a morning walk. The swing I was perched on had been placed under a tree, its shade keeping us comfortable and away from unwanted attention. "You sure you don't want to try the swing?" I turned towards Jungkook, who leaned on the tree and shook his head, "I'm good."

"Thanks for bringing me out," I said.

When Jungkook joined service as my bodyguard, I tried my best to get him to open his mouth. It was creepy to be followed around all the time by a mute man with a serious face. But Jungkook refused to leave his shell. I soon gave up with the assumption that guards were trained to be that way, but who could've imagined that behind that seriousness lay a greater purpose of avenging one's sister?

All Yoongi told me was that Jungkook held a grudge against Dae-Ho, his victim, and since that had been taken care of, there was nothing else to be worried about regarding him. He would continue to be my bodyguard. Thankfully, Jungkook started to open up after his revenge on Dae-Ho, and we quickly became friends. He told me about himself and what happened with his sister, and I told him how bored I was being captive in the mansion. Jungkook managed to sneak us out to a small park this morning.

"How did you end up here?" Jungkook asked as I began to kick my legs and push the swing back into motion. "It's been three weeks since we started talking and you choose to ask this now?" I pouted, pretending to be angry. "Ew! Cut the acting, I'm not your boyfriend," Jungkook scrunched his nose. "Shut up!" I picked up a rock and flung it at him. "Ow...are you going to tell me now or not?" Jungkook said, rubbing his arm where the stone hit him. I sighed, "It's...quite a long one." Jungkook tilted his head, "It's not like we are in a hurry to go back." I took that as his consent to bear with me.

I narrated my story right from the beginning: moving to Seosan, meeting Chelsea, meeting Do Hyun and getting engaged to him, Chelsea's unexpected backstory, meeting A-Yeong, and finally ending up stuck with the Mins. "Wow," was Jungkook's conclusion. "That's all you're going to say?" I raised my eyebrows.

"What else do you expect me to say?"

I sighed and smiled. "What? If there's something I must know, say it directly," Jungkook seemed irritated.

"I want to meet Do Hyun."

"Seriously, girl?" Jungkook's hands flew to his hips.

"Why are you making that face? I'm supposed to be with Do Hyun, not Yoongi. Didn't I make that clear just a while ago?" I asked, surprised by the way Jungkook acted. "But you are in love with boss! Listen, Yin, it's just an engagement. You're not married to Do Hyun. There's no need for you to act so righteous and be loyal to him. Just throw that ring away and forget about him. It's okay," he said. "Mind your tongue!" I warned, clutching the swing's ropes so tight my knuckles turned white. One more word from Jungkook and I was ready to strike him down with lightning. "Fine," he groaned lazily, "You love birds are always like this. Never realise how much you love each other until one of you is in grave danger. I'm not made for this drama. I'm staying single for the rest of my life!"

He said the last line playfully, making me calm down a bit. "If you're done swinging, miss volcano, let's go back. And no, I'm not taking you to Do Hyun," Jungkook said when he saw me opening my mouth again. "But why not?" I asked, trailing behind him. "It's too risky," he replied without turning back.

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