Chapter 2: The mall

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Zoe wanted to show Chloe around the company, hoping that she would find something interesting or fun. She thought it would be a good way to bond with her and make her feel more comfortable.

But Chloe had other plans. She said she wanted to go to the mall instead. She said she was bored and tired of the office. She said she wanted to buy some toys and clothes.

Zoe hesitated, but she didn't want to upset Chloe. She knew that Dante had given her his golden card, and that he wanted her to take care of Chloe. She decided to agree, and took Chloe to the mall.

They walked around the mall, looking at different shops and displays. Zoe tried to engage Chloe in conversation, but Chloe was mostly silent and indifferent. She only showed some interest when she saw something she liked, and asked Zoe to buy it for her.

Zoe complied, but she felt uneasy. She wondered if she was spoiling Chloe too much, and if she was doing the right thing. She wanted to make Chloe happy, but she also wanted to teach her some values and manners.

She decided to talk to Chloe about it, and find a way to connect with her. She looked for a place where they could sit and chat, and saw a café nearby. She suggested that they go there and have some snacks.

Chloe agreed, and they headed towards the café. But as they were walking, they bumped into someone. Someone that Chloe recognized, and feared.

It was a girl from her school, who was older and bigger than Chloe, who was mean and cruel to Chloe. A girl who was Chloe's bully.

The girl saw Chloe and smirked. She said in a loud and mocking voice:

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. It's little Chloe Blackwood, the spoiled brat. What are you doing here, princess? Shopping with your daddy's money?"

Chloe felt a surge of fear and anger. She hated this girl. She hated how she made fun of her and hurt her. She hated how she made her feel small and worthless.

She wanted to run away, but she couldn't. She wanted to fight back, but she didn't know how. She wanted to cry, but she didn't want to show weakness.

She looked at Zoe, hoping that she would help her. But Zoe didn't know what was going on. She didn't know who this girl was, or why she was being so rude to Chloe.

She asked Chloe:

"Who is this, Chloe? Do you know her?"

The girl laughed and said:

"She doesn't know me? How pathetic. I'm her classmate. I'm her friend, her best friend. Right, Chloe?"

She reached out and grabbed Chloe's hair, pulling it hard. Chloe winced and whimpered, but she didn't say anything.

Zoe saw this and felt a surge of anger and protectiveness. She didn't like this girl. She didn't like how she treated Chloe. She didn't like how she made her feel scared and hurt.

She wanted to stop her, but she didn't want to cause a scene. She wanted to teach her a lesson, but she didn't want to be violent. She wanted to be smart, but she didn't want to be mean.

She thought of a way to deal with her, and said in a calm and polite voice:

"Excuse me, miss. I don't think you're being very nice to Chloe. Could you please let go of her hair?"

The girl sneered and said:

"Or what? You're going to tell her daddy? You're going to call her daddy's bodyguards?, or you're going to cry?"

She pulled Chloe's hair harder, making her scream. Zoe saw this and felt a surge of courage and determination. She decided to act, and said in a firm and confident voice:

"No. I'm going to do this."

She reached out and grabbed the girl's hand, twisting it until she let go of Chloe's hair. The girl gasped and groaned, feeling a sharp pain in her wrist. Zoe said in a stern and serious voice:

"Listen to me, miss. I don't know who you are, or why you're doing this. But I do know that you're being very rude and mean to Chloe. And I don't like that. I don't like that at all."

She looked at the girl in the eye, and said in a clear and loud voice:

"Chloe is a smart and sweet girl. She is a brave and strong, wonderful and beautiful. Do you understand?"

The girl nodded, feeling scared and ashamed. Zoe said in a gentle and soft voice:

"Good. Now, I want you to apologize to Chloe. And I want you to promise me that you'll never bother her again. Can you do that?"

The girl nodded again, feeling sorry and regretful. She said in a quiet and humble voice:

"I'm sorry, Chloe. I'm sorry for being mean to you. I promise I'll never do it again. Please forgive me."

Chloe looked at the girl, feeling surprised and relieved. She looked at Zoe, feeling grateful and happy. She said in a sincere and warm voice:

"Thank you, Zoe. Thank you for helping me. Thank."

She hugged Zoe, and Zoe hugged her back. They smiled at each other, and felt a bond between them.

They decided to forget about the girl, and go to the café and have some snacks, and chat.

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