Chapter 28: A Heroic Act

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Getting into the car Dante gave her, Zoey hit her head on the steering wheel in frustration, her anger palpable.

"How embarrassing!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing in the confined space.

"Why could he do that to me? Urgh!" Zoey's frustration spilled over. "I'm sure the humiliation will fade. But what will he think of me now?" She ruffled her hair, then abruptly stopped. "Actually, it doesn't matter what he thinks. For all I care, he can—"

Her self-soothing words faltered as she pounded the horn, releasing her pent-up emotions. The underground parking lot seemed to amplify her frustration.

"Lord, can't I just die of embarrassment?" Zoey muttered, gripping the steering wheel.

Seeking solace, she drove to the nearby park and sat alone, watching the sunset. The colors painted the sky in hues of gold and crimson, momentarily distracting her from her emotional turmoil.

Two elderly ladies caught her attention. They chatted animatedly, capturing the sunset's beauty with their phones. Zoey smiled, appreciating their joy.

But then, she noticed a figure—a man—approaching them with a knife. Panic surged through her veins. Without hesitation, she sprinted toward the unsuspecting women, screaming, "Hey, watch out!"

The two old ladies turned, their expressions shifting from confusion to alarm.


Before the second lady could finish her sentence, Zoey lunged, shielding her from the attacker. The man's knife missed its mark, and he cursed, fleeing into the shadows.

Zoey gasped for breath, blood dripping from a wound. Her legs wobbled, but she managed to stay upright.

"Are y-y-you okay?" she stammered, her vision blurring.

The two ladies screamed, and suddenly, a team of more than fifteen black-suited bodyguards materialized. Their stern leader barked orders: "Spread out! Find the person who did this! Bring him to me alive!"

The lady Zoey had protected knelt beside her, hands trembling. Tears streamed down her face as she cradled Zoey's head.

"Young lady, wake up," she pleaded.

The other lady, equally shaken, joined them. "We owe you our lives," she whispered, her gratitude raw.

The bodyguards arranged for a car to rush Zoey to the hospital. The two old ladies insisted on accompanying her.

"I've arranged a car to take you home, madams, I'll personally look after her and do not worry as Selena has been informed. I'll contact Mr Blackwood you just go home, " the leader said.

"We're going with you to the hospital!" the other lady declared, her resolve unyielding.

"But -"

"You're not the boss of us!" The first lady's voice cracked. "Get in the damn car, and let's go!"

As the car sped toward the hospital, Zoey's head rested on Mrs. Blackwood's lap, while her twin sister (Brett) rubbed her legs. Upon arrival, Zoey was whisked into the ICU.

Selena, the renowned doctor, and Dustin's wife received the urgent call. She hurried to the room, her curiosity piqued. Who was this young woman willing to risk her life for strangers?

Seeing Zoey lying lifeless on the operating bed, Selena's professional instincts kicked in. She worked swiftly, determined to save the brave soul who had shielded others without a second thought.

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