Chapter 9: Dante's Charade

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Zoe felt a surge of anger and frustration at Dante's words. How dare he play with her feelings like this? How dare he pretend that they were a couple in front of everyone? She wanted to slap him and tell him to stop his nonsense, but she knew that would only cause trouble for herself. She had to play along with his charade, at least for now,she didn't know why he was doing all this and maybe he had a very good and legitimate reason. She forced a smile and said,

"Of course, we should fund Mia's fashion show. She's a talented designer, she's your cousin as well, and to me, even though we just met, a good friend. Right, h.o.n.e.y?"

She emphasized the last word and looked at Dante with a fake sweetness. She hoped he would get the message that she was not happy with this whole thing. Dante seemed to be amused by her response. He leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear,

"I know you're confused, but please just keep playing along. I will make it up to you, Ms. Zoe."

He kissed her cheek lightly and then turned to Mia. He said,

"Alright, Mia. You win. I'll fund your fashion show. But on one condition. You have to make Zoe the star of your show. She'll be the main model and wear your best designs. Deal?"

Mia gasped and clapped her hands. She hugged Zoe and said,

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best sister-in-law ever! And don't worry, Zoe. You'll look stunning in my clothes. I'll make sure of that."

"Wait, not just yet. I don't want to be the main model or anything."

Dante smiled once more and leaned in on her, and whispered "its already decided."

Zoe felt like she was trapped in a nightmare. She didn't want to be a model. She didn't want to be Dante's fake girlfriend for who knows how this fake act would last. She wanted to get out of this mess as soon as possible. She looked around the room and saw the curious and envious faces of the other guests. It was evident that they all believed Dante's charade. She felt a sudden pang of loneliness and despair. She wished she could go back to her normal life, where she was just an assistant, not a fake lover, well technically she was still an assistant, but did it have to go this far. She wished she could go back to the time when Dante was just an aloof boss to her and not a dick head he is portraying to be now. She just smiled and opened her mouth to say something, and yet again, Dante beat her to it.

"Can I have this dance?" he asked in a charming royal manner that Zoe couldn't help but nod. He held her hand and they went to the dance floor. The other guests were still in awe about what had happened , and the two of them were the only ones present on the dance floor. Dustin and the person Zoe assumed to be Selena joined them, and soon, other couples joined them. The music was slow, and Dante's hand was around Zoey's waist. They did seem like a real couple. Dante looked Zoe in the eyes and said

"I apologize for this whole charade, Ms. Zoe, but I don't have a choice. This is the real reason I brought you here as my plus one. Keegan, Zake, Skylar,Julian, Mia, Dustin, and Selena know about this. I can't tell you why, but please just play along. "

Zoe just nodded and said, "I hope you have a perfectly legitimate reason for all this. I don't want any drama or unnecessary attention in my life,"

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