chapter 42

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The auctioneer's voice echoed through the grand hall, "Do I hear 10 million?"

The crowd was silent, the tension palpable. Then, a hand went up, "10 million," a voice rang out. It was the first bid, but certainly not the last.

The bids climbed steadily, each one more assertive than the last. "15 million!"

"20 million!"

The numbers soared as the elite vied for the exquisite dress. Mia watched, her heart racing with each new bid. This was more than just an auction; it was a battle of wills, a display of power.

Suddenly, the room fell silent as a new figure stepped into the light. "100 million," he said, his voice calm but carrying an air of finality that resonated throughout the room. It was Lionel, a man known for his vast wealth and impeccable taste. The crowd murmured, but no one dared to challenge.

The auctioneer, sensing the end, called out, "Going once, going twice..." But before he could finish, Dante raised his hand. "1 billion dollars," he declared, without a hint of hesitation. A collective gasp filled the room. It wasn't just about the dress anymore; it was a statement, a claim that Dante was willing to stake everything for what he desired.

"And sold to Mr. Dante, for 1 billion dollars!" The gavel came down with a thud that seemed to echo Dante's triumph. The crowd erupted into applause, some in awe, others in disbelief. Lionel, standing at the back, could only watch as Dante claimed his prize, a mix of respect and envy in his eyes.

Mia approached Dante, the dress draped delicately over her arm.

"Congratulations, Mr. Dante Blackwood. You now own one of the world's most coveted pieces."

Dante took the dress, his eyes never leaving Mia's.
"It's not the dress I'm after, Mia. It's the art, the passion, and the story behind it. And perhaps," he paused, a sly smile playing on his lips, "the chance to meet the mysterious designer."

Mia's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "All in due time,Dante. All in due time."

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