Chapter 11: Her Promise

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Zoe burst out of the hotel, clutching the girl in her arms. The cool night breeze stung her tear-stained face. She tried to suppress her sobs, not wanting to scare the child. She scanned the parking lot and spotted Dante's sleek black car. She dashed towards it and tapped on the window, hoping the chauffeur was still inside.

He rolled down the window, and his eyes widened at the sight of Zoe and the girl.

"Madam, are you okay? You look distressed. Do you need anything? I can get it for you."

Zoe forced a smile and said, "Just start the car."

She climbed into the backseat with the girl, who had fallen unconscious. The chauffeur turned on the engine and was about to pull out of the lot when Zoe said in a low voice, "Mr, I forgot my clutch inside. Can you please bring it for me?"

The chauffeur nodded and got out of the car, leaving the keys in the ignition. He ran towards the hotel entrance, unaware of Zoe's plan. As soon as he was out of sight, Zoe unbuckled the girl's seatbelt and moved to the driver's seat. She slammed the door shut and stepped on the gas, speeding away from the hotel.

A few minutes later, Dante emerged from the hotel, looking calm and composed. He walked towards the spot where he had left the car and saw the chauffeur standing there, looking nervous and pale. Dante frowned and asked, "Why are you standing here, and where's the car?" The chauffeur stammered, "Sh-sh-she took it."

Dante raised an eyebrow and walked back inside, his expression unreadable.

Zoe drove to her house, hoping no one would follow her. She carried the girl inside and laid her on the bed. She checked her for any injuries and was relieved to find none. She wondered why the girl had gone to the hotel, but she was sure she had a good reason. She seemed smart and brave for her age. Zoe went to the bathroom and brought a warm wet towel to wipe her clean. She changed her out of her pjs and made her wear one of her small T-shirts. She kissed her forehead and went to the balcony. She stood there, alone, feeling a mix of fear and anger. She wondered what Dante would do when he found out that she had taken his car and his daughter. Well, she didn't care. She didn't care at all. All she wanted was some time with the little girl to give her the love and care she deserved before she would have to return her to her scumbag of a father. She realized that she had quit her job. How would she pay back all those debts now? But for now, it didn't matter either. All that mattered was Chloe. She looked up and gazed at the stars and whispered, "I hope Dante doesn't find me anytime soon."

She went back inside and cuddled up in bed with the girl. She turned off the bedside lamp and wrapped her arms around her. "I don't know you much, but I swear to give you all the things that money can't buy. I will be with you from now and forever, Chloe. I know I can never be your biological or legal mother, but I will give you all the things that only a mother can. I promise," she vowed and hugged her tighter. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep, unaware of the man who was watching her from his car, parked outside her apartment building. He had a cigarette between his lips, and his eyes were fixed on Zoe's balcony window.

Keegan walked up to him and asked, "Are you sure you won't regret this, Dante?"

The man just blew a smoke ring and got into his car and drove off. Keegan watched the retreating car and sighed. He hoped Dante wouldn't repeat the mistake he had made five years ago.

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