Chapter 10: I Quit

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"Rest assured, Ms. Zoe, " Dante assured her.

"Can I go home after this dance?"

Dante didn't reply, and the song ended. He led her to the table where the most influential people were seated. He pulled a chair out for her and sat next to her. A lot of gazes were fixed on them. Some were trying to figure out if it was just a charade or if they truly shared a bond. A man seeming to be in his late 70s cleared his throat and said

"Mr Dante, I thought this young lady over here was just your assistant."

Zoe saw a lot of heads nodding, and she couldn't help but look down and nervously play with her fingers. She wondered what Dante would say next.

"Yaaa cousin, tell us what happened. We wanna know, " Mia chipped in and said teasingly.

Dante just smiled lightly and said,

"She's been working for me for two years, and I had gotten used to having her around, that I just felt like I should be with her. As you some things just turn into office affairs"

The elderly people laughed, and another lady said

"Well, Dante, she's a beautiful woman. Who wouldn't want to be with her?"

Everyone said what they wanted, and Zoe was furious inside. She wanted to stand up and leave when she heard a loud voice seeming to belong to a child.

"Let me go, or I'll make my daddy make you regret why you were even born!!!"

Zoe recognized that voice that she snapped her head towards the entrance. She felt a surge of fear, and she stood up hastly and ran to the entrance of the huge hall. Everyone else stood and followed her. When she got there, she was surprised by the scene she witnessed. Chloe was there and being dragged out by two able bodied men. She was crying and in her pjs. Zoe felt furious. How dare they do that. She hurried her steps to them and grapped one of the men's hands, and pushed him off Chloe. The other man stood still and looked at her. He wanted to shout or frighten her but was met with a sight slap. She crouched down and picked the crying girl up.

"How dare you!!" Zoe screamed, eyes red with anger.

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on her!?" Zoe yelled. She felt the girl in her arms shake. She could tell that Chloe was frightened and a tear dropped from her eye.

She faced both of the guards and said,with eyes full of determination

"I promise I'll make you pay for this. I will make -"

She was interrupted by a small voice saying

"Mom, can we please just go home?"

Dante was there in front of the crowd, and as always, his face was expressionless. Dante walked towards the trio and said

"Do you know whose daughter she is?" He asked calmly

"She's not important, sir. She came here on a bicycle, so I'm sure she's lost and doesn't belong to an influential family, " the one who didn't get slapped by Zoe said. As soon as those words left his mouth, he was met with another slap from Zoe.

"So just because you think she doesn't come from an influential family that gives you the right to harass her!! Are you even human? She's just a five-year-old!!" Zoe yelled again.

"Are fired" Dante calmly said and looked around. In the crowd, he noticed Chloe's nanny and called her over.

"Take her to the car," he ordered. Zoe felt Chloe's small hands tightly grip her clothes. When the nanny was about to take Chloe, she swiftly blocked her hands and declared

"I can carry her on my own. I don't need you to take care of her anymore, and Dante, I quit from my job as an assistant!"

Dante slightly widened his eyes, and so did Mia, Julian, Keegan, Zake,Skylar, Dustin, and Selena. Zoe stormed out of the hall with the little girl in her arms, leaving all the guests, the nanny and the bodyguards still in shock. She kissed Chloe's forehead and whispered

"I know i said you just needed love, but you need me. I will be your mom, " she declared, and a sob escaped from her.

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