chapter 53

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The evening shadows lengthened across the Blackwood estate, casting a somber mood that mirrored Zoey's inner turmoil. She and Mia had spent the day in a bubble of camaraderie, a temporary respite from the complexities of their intertwined lives with the Blackwoods.

As they prepared for dinner, Zoey felt a knot of apprehension. She knew Dante would be there, his presence a constant reminder of a past that refused to stay buried.

They entered the dining room, a space where luxury and power were etched into every detail. Selena sat at the head of the table, her eyes sharp and calculating. Dante was already seated, his posture perfect, his expression one of bored indifference.

Mia's greeting to Selena was terse, her dislike palpable. Selena merely raised an eyebrow, her attention briefly flitting to Zoey before dismissing her presence entirely.

Dante didn't speak to Zoey, nor did he acknowledge her beyond a cursory glance.

The dinner was served by the household staff, each course more extravagant than the last. Dante's indifference hung heavy in the air, his silence a barrier that Zoey no longer had the will to breach.

Mia, however, was not one to be cowed. She challenged Selena on every point, her words sharp and unyielding. Zoey admired her friend's strength, even as she felt her own resolve waning.

As the evening progressed, the tension between Mia and Selena became almost palpable. Mia's voice was laced with a steely edge as she addressed Selena across the table.

"You know, Selena, for someone who prides herself on sophistication, you have the subtlety of a sledgehammer," Mia remarked, her eyes glinting with defiance.

Selena's smile was tight, her composure unshaken. "Oh, Mia, always the charmer. Tell me, is it exhausting trying to keep up that façade of bravado?"

Mia leaned forward, her gaze unwavering. "Not as exhausting as it must be for you to maintain that illusion of control. I see right through you."

Selena's laugh was cold, devoid of humor. "You see what I allow you to see. Don't mistake my patience for weakness."

Mia's response was a sharp retort. "And don't mistake my silence for ignorance. I know what you're up to, and I won't let you get away with it."

The air crackled with the intensity of their exchange, and for a moment, it seemed as though words might turn to actions. But the moment passed, and the dinner continued, a battleground of wits and wills.

As the night wore on, the conversation inevitably turned to the 'queen's dress'. Selena's eyes gleamed with a mix of envy and respect as she spoke of the design. Dante remained silent, his gaze occasionally drifting to Zoey, but his thoughts were unreadable.

When the meal concluded, Selena stood, her voice dripping with false cordiality. "I trust you found everything to your satisfaction. It's been... enlightening."

Mia rose, her response a clear challenge. "We're not done here, Selena. Not by a long shot."

Zoey followed Mia out of the dining room, her heart heavy. Dante's indifference was a clear message; she was nothing more than a ghost in his world, a faded memory he had no desire to recall.

Back in the safety of the guest room, Zoey allowed herself a moment of vulnerability. "Mia, I don't know if I can do this," she confessed.

Mia wrapped an arm around her shoulders, her presence a comforting anchor. "You don't have to do it alone, Zoey. We're in this together."

And with those words, Zoey found the strength to face another day.

The Billionaire's Sweet Wifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें