chapter 55

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In the quiet confines of his study, Dante Blackwood sat with a glass of scotch, its amber liquid catching the light from the fire. His thoughts were a labyrinth, each turn leading to Zoey. With a decisive motion, he pressed the intercom button. "Trent, come."

Minutes later, Trent stood before him, the epitome of loyalty and efficiency. "You wanted to see me, sir?"

Dante's gaze was steely. "I want a full background check on Zoey. Leave no stone unturned."

Trent nodded, a shadow of intrigue passing over his features. "Understood. Anything specific you're looking for?"

"Everything," Dante replied, his voice a low growl.

The investigation was swift and thorough. Trent returned with a dossier that painted a complex picture of Zoey's life. "She's clean, but there's something you might find interesting. Lionel Greene has shown more than a passing interest in her."

A slow smile spread across Dante's face, a plan forming in the depths of his mind. "Is that so?" he mused, the gears turning. "And what of her personal life?"

"She's recently encountered some family troubles. Financial difficulties, it seems," Trent reported, watching Dante closely.

Dante's smile widened, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Perfect," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Later, he called his daughter, Chloe, her bright face appearing on the screen. "Chloe, my dear, how would you feel about Zoey becoming a part of our family?"he went straight to the point.

Chloe's eyes lit up. "Really? I like Zoey! She's fun and kind. Can she really become my mom?"

The word 'mom' hung in the air, and Dante felt a surge of triumph. "We'll see, darling," he said, his tone softening just for her.

As the call ended, Dante leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with possibilities. Zoey's family problems could be the leverage he needed, and Lionel's interest was an unexpected bonus. That scumbag will learn a lesson what Dante wants, he gets.

With a strategic mind and a heart shielded by ice, Dante was ready to make his move. The game was on, and he was playing for keeps.

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