chapter 56

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Selena's demeanor had always been one of poise and control, but lately, a subtle shift had taken place. Her eyes, once warm and inviting, now held a calculating glint whenever Zoey's name was mentioned.

One afternoon, as the golden light spilled across the Blackwood mansion's opulent drawing room, Selena watched Zoey from across the room. Zoey, unaware of the scrutiny, was engrossed in a book, her expression one of quiet contentment.

Dante noticed Selena's gaze and approached her, his voice a low rumble. "What's on your mind, Selena?"

Selena turned to him, her smile tight and rehearsed. "Just considering the future, Dante. Zoey is quite the asset, isn't she?"

Dante's eyes narrowed, sensing the undercurrents in her words. "She's proven herself valuable," he admitted, watching Selena closely.

Selena nodded, her fingers tracing the rim of her wine glass. "Indeed. But one must wonder if her value is purely professional. After all, she has caught the eye of Lionel Greene, and now she seems to have charmed Chloe as well." She lied through her teeth as if she didn't know anything. Was she just trying to create some hostility between the two?

Dante remained silent, his thoughts a guarded fortress. Selena continued, her voice laced with honeyed venom. "It would be a shame if her influence extended beyond what's beneficial for Blackwood Enterprises. One must be cautious, after all."

Dante's gaze shifted to Zoey, then back to Selena. "Your concern is noted," he said, his tone giving nothing away.

Selena's eyes followed Zoey as she moved through the room, her grace and ease a stark contrast to Selena's own rigid posture. "Just remember, Dante, in this game of power, everyone has their role. It would be... unfortunate if Zoey's role became more prominent than intended."

With that, Selena drifted away, leaving Dante to ponder her words. There was a chessboard being laid out, and Selena had just made her move. The question now was, how would Dante respond?

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