Chapter 14: Let's Get Married

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Lionel was taken aback. He had loved Zoey for two years, but he never saw her with a man, and that boast his ego even more in pursuing her. Of course, she was so secretive but not to the point of marrying someone else.

The smile on his face slowly faded. He didn't want to believe it. He slowly faced Zoe and asked with a little glimmer of hope in his eyes, hoping the child was just mistaken.

He said,"Zoey, is it true? Is she your---is she your st-step daughter? "

Without any second thoughts or hesitation Zoey replied," Yes Lionel, she is my step-daughter."

Lionel felt his whole world crumbling down to pieces. He always knew that Zoe did not love him, but why did she not? He had told his mother about her saying if he was ever going to get married, he would no doubt marry her. He felt his heart bleeding as he stared at Zoey. His eyes were getting hot, about to cry he stood up and, with an expressionless face, fixed his suit and said,

"It was nice meeting you again, Zoey, and you have a beautiful daughter. I'll leave you two to bond as a family," and walked away.

Zoe saw that Lionel was hurt, she felt bad for lying but for the sake of the child in front of her she had to, she didn't have a choice either way. Chloe apologetically smiled and said,

"Look Zoe mommy I'm sorry for pushing you to say that but I saw that Mr Lionel liked you and if I didn't say that he would still persue you and eventually you'd agree to be with him and I won't have you as my mommy. I'm really sorry, Zoey mom. "

Zoe smiled and said,"I promised to be your mommy, didn't I? So rest assured, I will only be your mommy, nobody else's. We should go to the mall now, okay?"

Chloe frowned and asked,"Why are we going to the mall? We went there a few days ago. "

"Of course we did but now that you're with me you don't have any clothes to wear so we going to buy you new clothes and toys so when you visit me you'll have everything you need"


Zoe cleared the bill, and they took a taxi to the mall. They bought everything that Chloe needed and headed back home. They took a taxi back, and on the way, Zoey's phone rang. She took it out of her clutch, and when she glanced at it, she felt all the life draining from her body. It was Dante. She quickly hung up, but he called again. She hung up and switched off her phone. When they got to her house, they took everything out of the taxi and headed inside. It was already some minutes after four. She packed Chloe's clothes and gave her a bath, dressed her in some warm pajamas, and escorted her to watch TV. She, too, did the same, and after she was done, it was already after six. She sat at the edge of the bed with her phone in her hands, debating with herself if she should turn it on or not. After a battle in her head, she took a deep breath and turned it on. After Chloe's wallpaper flashed, a message from Dante followed, it read,

'Where the hell are you with my  daughter!!!? Bring her to me and you're not allowed to fucken quit!!'

After she saw that text she quickly dialed his number and was answered on the first ring. A lazy male voice sounded

"Ms Zoe where are you?"

"I'm home with your daughter"

"Good come back with her tomorrow as you come to work"

"That won't do Mr Blackwood I quit remember? "

"I told you you ain't allowed to quit. Don't let your emotions get ahead of you Ms Zoe"

"I already did" and she hung up

'You dont get to hang up on me Ms Zoe. Since you act like you love her so much, you can as well be her mother for all I care. Come to the office tomorrow future Mrs Blackwood. Let's get married'

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