chapter 54

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The Blackwood mansion, a fortress of solitude and power, had become a temporary canvas for Mia and Zoey's creativity. Their presence in his domain was a necessity of business, nothing more. Dante Blackwood, a man of ice and strategy, preferred the silence of his own company.

On an unremarkable morning, Dante's routine inspection brought him to the library, where he found Zoey engaged in a video call. Her laughter, a sound that seemed to defy the stillness of his home, drew a frown from his lips.

"Who's that?" Dante's voice cut through the mirth, as cold as the marble underfoot.

Zoey, caught off guard, quickly masked her surprise with a neutral expression. "Chloe," she said, referring to the young girl on the screen. "We met at an event."

Dante's eyes narrowed, a silent question lingering in the air. His daughter's name on this woman's lips was an unexpected puzzle piece. "I wasn't aware," he stated flatly, the words hanging between them like a verdict.

With a curt nod, he turned on his heel and left, the matter seemingly dismissed. But as he walked away, his mind was anything but still. Zoey's connection to Chloe was a variable he hadn't calculated, and Dante disliked surprises.

Later, in the vastness of the kitchen, Dante found Zoey once again, this time lost in the art of cooking. The scent of her efforts was an unwanted intrusion into his senses.

"Do you require assistance?" he asked, his tone devoid of genuine interest, more a command than a question.

Zoey, ever the diplomat, accepted his offer with a simple, "Yes, thank you."

They cooked in silence, the only sound the sizzle of the pan and the precise chop of Dante's knife. He watched her from the corner of his eye, her every move efficient and unassuming. She was an enigma, a presence that commanded attention without demanding it.

The meal completed, Dante tasted the dish, his expression unreadable. "Acceptable," he conceded, and for him, it was high praise.

Zoey merely nodded, understanding that from Dante, 'acceptable' was akin to a compliment. She was learning to read the language of his silences, the subtle shifts in his cold demeanor.

As the day gave way to night, Dante found himself reflecting on Zoey's presence in his home. She was like a flame, her warmth threatening to melt the frost of his world. It was a sensation he both resented and, secretly, craved.


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