Chapter 4

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In the original Summoning Japan, the first contact with a civilization from another world was in the air, with the wyverns of the Principality of Qua-Toyne. However, what if during that process... attacks were carried out following orders to shoot down, and Japan suffered damage as a result?

- Alexei Seizon BOT Ojisan


June 2, 1963, 07:00

"This is Number 3, entering the designated area soon. We will start filming from an altitude of about 250 meters as planned."

"This is Number 1, understood. We will conduct coastal reconnaissance using high-altitude photography from an altitude of over 10.000."

"Number 2 to Number 1, please continue filming while maintaining the current heading. We are on alert in the vicinity, but... no radar response."

"...Could this really be another planet? ...It's supposed to be around Luzon in the Philippines, but I can't believe there's such a huge landmass here."

At dawn, large reconnaissance aircraft belonging to the 10th Squadron, which is the mainstay of reconnaissance missions of the 8th Army Division in Okinawa, took off from the Northern Okinawa Airfield. They were ordered to conduct reconnaissance missions during daylight hours to bring back information about the unidentified landmass confirmed the previous day.

Those were reconnaissance planes converted from the long-range bomber Fugaku manufactured by Nakajima and the latest transport aircraft YS-11 developed by Dainippon Aviation Company. After the Pacific War, many surplus bombers became scrap or were converted into civilian aircraft. The Fugaku was no exception.

During the war, it contributed to the atomic bombing of Hawaii and achieved a brilliant record that led to victory in the war. After the Pacific War, it carried out bombing missions against the Nationalist and Communist forces entrenched in the interior during the protracted Sino-Japanese War, finally forcing them to surrender. As the most active bomber in the army, it was extensively used as propaganda to boost national morale. However, technological advances were rapid, and it entered an era where such dreamy four-engine bombers became outdated. Especially, with the advent of the jet age after the war, it was pointed out that it was insufficient in speed to fight on the front lines.

The Tateyama developed by Kawanishi as a successor to the Fugaku, while inferior in performance compared to the Fugaku, had lower construction costs and was equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and radar. And with the development of missile technology, there was a risk of even high-altitude bombers being shot down, and the Fugaku, which required enormous budgets for facilities and maintenance costs, except for aircraft modified for modernization or reconnaissance, was being phased out. They couldn't resist the pressure from the Ministry of Finance.

The 10th Squadron is a unit mainly engaged in aerial reconnaissance missions centered around Okinawa. High-altitude reconnaissance missions were hardly carried out in recent times due to the launch of artificial satellites, etc. If anything, they flew close to the edge of the airspace of the anti-Japanese forces in the northern and southern regions of the Philippines and conducted reconnaissance to the extent of the US military presence in the Philippines. Because of this, they were the first to realize the phenomenon of transference to another planet, seeing that the terrain of the Philippines, which should have been there originally, had completely changed.

First Lieutenant Aiba, who is piloting the Number 3 YS-11R, is drinking hot coffee brewed by his subordinate to keep himself awake, while realizing once again that this is reality. If there is no Brazil producing the coffee beans he is drinking, he will eventually not be able to taste this familiar flavor.

Thinking about such things, he continued flying with his crew.

"The map will have to be remade if the topography outside of Japan has changed so much."

"We've confirmed large-scale grain-producing areas east of the coastal areas... It matches the photos taken by the advance reconnaissance aircraft."

"It's different from the Philippines, which mainly focuses on plantation agriculture. This large-scale cultivation resembles the grain-producing areas of the American Midwest or southern China. With such well-developed grains, there must be forces buying and selling these crops."

"So, that means there's a nation or a force of equivalent power here, right?"

"That's right... Huh? Wait a minute, what's that?"

What caught Aiba's eye was a flock of large flying creatures flapping their wings and flying. At first, he thought they were large eagles, but as the plane approached, they turned out to be large creatures he had never seen before.

They had red bodies, and they flew in formation like a type of pterosaur he had seen in a museum. And on the backs of these creatures, he confirmed the presence of humanoid figures, riding with green flags raised.

Aiba was convinced. At the very least, there was a force here controlling unknown creatures. He shouted over the radio to reach Number 1.

"Number 1! This is Number 3! I've seen large flying creatures I've never seen before! Large pterosaur-like flying creatures are flying in formation with people riding on them! They seem to belong to the nation or force of this region!"

"Number 1, Number 3, we've spotted what appears to be a port city about 10 kilometers ahead. They may have armed weapons owned by the force of that city. Evacuate immediately."

"Understood—AAAAAAGH! Shit!"

Just as Number 1 was about to warn Number 3, a voice like a scream came through the radio from Number 3.

Bzzzt... "This is Number 3! We're hit! We are under attack! ...Dammit, shake them off! Climb now!"

"...We can't! The right engine is hit! We're on fire! Smoke coming from the left engine!"

"We're losing thrust! Part of the tail is damaged, we can't maintain level flight!"

"Dammit! We're going to crash—"

"Number 3! Come in! Number 3! Lieutenant Aiba!"

The sound of explosions and vibrations was transmitted over the radio from Number 3, and soon the response ceased. And at the moment it ceased to respond, a firestorm erupted from the port city.

Worst contact ever.

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