Chapter 41

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July 8, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, noon

Kasumigaseki, Japanese Empire

In light of the conclusion of the war determining the situation in the Principality of Qua-Toyne on the Rodenius Continent, there was a rapid acceleration of the joint public-private continental expansion project led by Japanese politicians in Kasumigaseki. In particular, Kishi, who had influence within the government by leveraging the development projects and know-how in Manchukuo, was unparalleled in discussions related to this expansion project.

For Kishi, what was necessary to present this expansion project was not only the track record and know-how of the companies but also the indispensable network of connections essential for establishing roots on the continent, ensuring they didn't prioritize their own company's interests.

The companies gathered here were not the four major zaibatsu of Japan—Yasuda, Hachibishi, Yotsui, Kunitomo—but individuals from renowned emerging zaibatsu in Guangdong, a puppet state of Japan where monopolistic interests by Japanese companies were secured. They were the presidents of Teito Tsūshin Kōgyō, Ashio Sangyō, and Matsushiba Electric, respectively, and like Kishi, unfortunate individuals who were caught up in the turmoil just as Japan was undergoing its transference.

First, Kishi approached Morita, the president of Teito Tsūshin Kōgyō, and inquired about the situation of the company within the country.

"Morita-san, how many factories within the mainland are currently operational?"

"...Most of our production bases were in Guangdong. Currently, only the assembly factories in Nagano and Kanazawa are operational."

"I see... For Teito Tsūshin Kōgyō, it's undoubtedly a difficult situation to continue operations as before..."

"Yes, unfortunately, as you say. However, it's not just our company... It's the same situation for Ashio and Matsushiba gathered here."

For Morita, the mainland was also a place of bitter memories of corporate acquisitions and falling out with old friends.

Rather than the mainland, it was in the newly formed state of Guangdong where, by rolling up his sleeves and starting a business, collaborating not only with Japanese immigrants but also with local Chinese, he miraculously managed to grow his company to a point where no one in the Co-Prosperity Sphere didn't know its name. However, due to the economic crisis triggered by the scandal caused by Yasuda zaibatsu, the bridge to his glory collapsed, leaving him barely hanging on by a thread.

Participating in a crisis meeting gathering various zaibatsu companies in the Imperial Capital to discuss responses to the economic crisis, Morita was inadvertently caught up in the phenomenon of transference. Not only his family, who supported the company together, but also most of the excellent employees and local Chinese he cherished were left behind in Guangdong. What remained for Morita was only the two assembly factories within the country and the office building of the Teito Tsūshin Kōgyō branch managing sales on the mainland. And it was a fact that the same situation applied not only to Morita but also to other companies like Ashio and Matsushiba.

"...You all have achieved remarkable success in making your companies the leading enterprises in the co-prosperity sphere. For the government, it's necessary to explore various approaches to enhance Japan's influence on the Rodenius Continent... Please review the documents I'm about to hand over..."

Kishi ordered his subordinates to distribute the documents.

Written there were surprising words for emerging zaibatsu like Morita.

Efforts Toward the Integration of Former Guangdong Enterprises Upon the Establishment of the Rodenius International Trading Company

Yes, Japan had already begun colonization in Qua-Toyne centered around the four major zaibatsu. However, feeling that the four major zaibatsu alone were not enough, Kishi proposed a plan to rescue the innovative companies of Guangdong, which were thriving in Japan's sphere of influence and facing a crisis. For those who had already lost factories and personnel in Guangdong, avoiding suffocation and death by struggling was a situation they wanted to avoid. Therefore, the plan is to merge the three renowned major companies in Guangdong and carry out a new corporate integration to achieve a revival.

In the movement towards this corporate integration, the focus is on presenting military equipment and export goods from each company to the Principality of Qua-Toyne, the Kingdom of Quila, and Maihark, which are conducting local colonial work, before the integration. Among these, the aim is to export outstanding products. In essence, it means that among the three major companies, the company with achievements on the continent will be able to control the management rights of this newly established company. However, it's not a free-for-all; due to government investment towards integration, unrestrained actions towards the government are not permitted.

In addition to mandatory payments of 5% of profits generated from product commercialization towards the country, as well as costs and personnel expenses associated with the application of patent rights, hiring talent dispatched by the government for executive positions and reporting all information obtained in the operating region also become obligations. While there are significant drawbacks to being monitored, controlling the real power of the integrated companies enables the enjoyment of economic privileges in the new continent.

High risk, high return...

However, if one doesn't participate, the company will likely be crushed.

Morita gripped the pen and signed as a participant in the establishment of the Rodenius International Trading Company.

With the presidents of the remaining Ashio Industries and Matsushiba Electric also signing, the gradual infiltration of government control over the companies began.

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