Chapter 5

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Principality of Qua-Toyne P.O.V.

The wyvern squadron belonging to the Principality of Qua-Toyne was in the midst of their usual patrol duties. Amid escalating tensions with the Kingdom of Louria, the Qua-Toynian wyvern unit was placed under strict surveillance by the military, both on land, in the air... and at sea. With multiple wyverns in their possession, the Qua-Toynian military prioritized aerial surveillance missions and strengthened their defense posture. In particular, the economic hub of Maihark was a vital economic hub in the northern part of the continent within the Principality, and was thus placed under rigorous military guard due to its strategic importance.

"This is the 6th Wyvern Squadron! A flier of unknown nationality is heading towards Maihark!"

"This is Wyvern Control Tower, 6th Wvyern... What information do you have about the unidentified flier?"

"It has wings that don't flap! It seems to be made of metal... and there are two large windmill-like objects rotating on both sides of their wings! We're barely keeping up even though we're pushing our mounts to the limit!"

"A wyvern like that is unheard of..."

"It also generated a terrible sound! It's so loud that even shouting next to a waterfall doesn't make a difference! Anyway, it's heading straight for Maihark!"

As concerns about military conflicts with the Kingdom of Louria were rising, the 6th Wyvern Squadron flying near Maihark spotted an unidentified flying object. To them, the sight of an oddly shaped flying object approaching with an incomprehensible roar would have been terrifying. With an appearance resembling iron, wings that didn't flap, and most notably, moving with roaring noise. It was an unfamiliar flying object never seen or heard of before. Uncertain of how to respond, the soldiers of the wyvern squadron, albeit half in panic, carried out their duties.

The Wyvern Control Tower responded through the manacomm, "If that unknown flying object approaches Maihark, you are authorized to shoot it down! The 7th Wyvern Squadron is also to intercept!"

The 7th Wyvern Squadron, stationed at Maihark, followed the instructions from the control tower, taking off from the base. Meanwhile, the 6th Wyvern Squadron attempted to intercept the flying object, which showed no intention of changing course towards Maihark, by firing warning shots.

"No good, no change of course... We have no choice! Launch the fireballs! Aim ahead for warning shots!"

"Ahead of that unidentified flier!?"

"At least magical projectiles fly straight for about 300 meters! That should make them turn back, ready! ...Fire!"

At the signal from the commander of the 6th Wyvern Squadron, mana-powered flaming projectiles were simultaneously launched from the mouths of the wyverns. Like early rocket artillery, the magical flame projectiles flew almost straight, but one of them inadvertently veered into the power device attached to the wings of the flying object due to air resistance. When the high-temperature flame projectile entered the power source, flames erupted from the flying object with a loud explosion.

"Fire! Flames erupted from the wings!"

"Could it be... this thing might not be a living creature..."

"...But it's still not changing course! It's heading towards Maihark!"

The commander of the control tower had two choices. Wait for the flying object to retreat, or shoot it down before it reaches Maihark...

Even after spewing flames, the unidentified flying object continued its flight. If it were to attack Maihark, it would undoubtedly lead to an irreparable disaster. The commander of the control tower chose the latter option.

"7th Wyvern Squadron, along with the 6th Wyvern Squadron, attack with magical flame projectiles simultaneously to finish it off!"

"Understood, target acquired... Approximately 20 seconds until contact!"

"Remember, ensure it's taken down with simultaneous attacks!"

Each wyvern squadron counted down and simultaneously launched magical flame projectiles, initiating a concentrated attack on the left side of the flying object. At the moment the countdown reached zero, flames from sixteen wyverns struck the flying object one after another, causing black smoke and flames to erupt from its abdomen.

"We did it! We've significantly damaged that thing!"

Cheers erupted from the wyvern squadron, but the flying object, despite its altitude decreasing, continued its flight.

"Dammit! It won't go down!"

"Even after taking all those fireballs, it's still holding up!"

"Keep firing! Press the attack!"

Spewing black smoke and enduring a concentrated barrage of fireballs, the flying object continued its flight toward Maihark.

"Is that the unidentified flier? It's burning!"

"Oh no, it's coming this way!"

"It's going to crash into the ramparts! Evade!"

Finally, the flying object reached Maihark, colliding with the fortress walls, its left wing gouged, then falling in an elliptical curve and crashing into the center of the city. With a loud explosion, the flying object disintegrated into pieces. As debris scattered, Maihark's city center turned into a sea of flames.

Maihark saw hell.

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