Chapter 21

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June 15, 1963, 14:00

Rodenius Sea

The Eastern Conquest Fleet belonging to the Kingdom of Louria's navy filled the northern coast of Rodenius. With 4.400 sailing ships, it was a truly spectacular sight, and though lacking in armament, it was certainly a fleet worthy of its name.

However, while this Eastern Conquest Fleet had previously been eager to trounce the Qua-Toynian navy, now such confidence was nowhere to be seen. On the contrary, ships at the edge of the fleet were desperately trying to escape.

"Dammit, there's no way we can win against those massive iron ships! We're just sailboats!"

"We've never seen ships that big, not even in the Parpaldia Empire... And with that thunderous noise, wyverns are falling one after another..."

"No, is this some kind of bad dream!"

"All hands, do not panic! We have a chance if we charge together! It takes time to reload with magic projectiles! Seize the opportunity and charge!"

Sharkun, the commander of the the Eastern Conquest Fleet, was using manacomm to urge the fleeing ships to return. That's how much chaos had engulfed the fleet.

'What in the world... How could this happen...!?'

Sharkun was already filled with regret. If only they had engaged in melee combat before unleashing the wyverns, they might have had a chance. However, everything was blown away by the Japanese attack unleashed with a thunderous roar that shook the sea.

It all stemmed from their actions thirty minutes ago.

Unfamiliar iron wyverns flew over the fleet, emitting ear-splitting roars, and scattered paper across the sky. The paper was of high quality, similar to what was used for magical tomes.

The paper scattered by the iron dragons bore writing in the common language of the continent, stating: "As an ally of the Principality of Qua-Toyne, we hereby warn you. If your fleet continues sailing without altering its course, we will interpret it as an intent to invade Qua-Toyne and will annihilate your fleet. Signed, the Imperial Japanese Navy First Fleet."

Sharkun, while surprised by the iron wyverns flying over the fleet and the quality of the paper they scattered, believed that they outnumbered the enemy significantly and thought they could prevail even against major powers.

The mast lookout reported seeing black, fortress-like ships faintly floating on the horizon ahead, but even considering the distance from which they could be seen, they were far beyond the range even if they were to use the Parpaldia Empire's magical cannons.

'Qua-Toyne has recently formed an alliance with an unknown nation from the east... Could it be that Japanese Empire? Still, we have a fleet of 4.400 ships... There's no way we can lose! That's a clear fact! But, just in case, let's launch an attack with the wyverns first.'

From the Jin-Hark wyvern airfield, 250 wyverns were dispatched, initiating an attack on the enemy fleet ahead. When the 250 wyverns flew over the Conquest Fleet, cheers erupted from each ship, and morale reached its peak.

However, as the wyverns approached for the attack, they were suddenly turned into countless pieces in the sky by the barrage fired from the battleships ahead, falling into the sea.

"Hey, the wyverns are all falling!"

"What's happening!? Was there any magical reaction from the enemy ships!?"

"No, there was no reaction at all! But instead, all reactions from the wyverns disappeared at once!"

"It can't be... The number of those wyverns is enough to make a small country submit! It's inconceivable for them to be wiped out by a single barrage...!"

Despite being far away, the sight of wyverns falling en masse towards the enemy fleet, accompanied by a thunderous boom, shocked not only Sharkun but also the fleet.

The prized wyverns of the Kingdom of Louria were completely wiped out in just one barrage. Not just one or two, but 250 wyverns became unresponsive simultaneously. It was as if the strings holding them had been cut, causing them to plummet and crash into the sea.

From the conquest fleet's perspective, it was a scene of hell. With their training and proud wyvern force of 250 annihilated, it was an unthinkable loss. However, they were forcibly brought back to reality by the barrage that occurred right in front of them.

And then, Sharkun, amidst the chaos in the fleet, issued a rallying cry and ordered an assault.

"All hands, listen up! The enemy's bombardment has ceased. That means it will take them a long time to reload. Now is the opportunity to attack! With a fleet of 4.400 ships, we can overwhelm them with numbers! Full charge!"

Even though the wyverns were annihilated, they continued sailing at full speed without altering their course, awaiting a merciless attack. With each enemy barrage, many ships in the fleet were sunk, engulfed by large water columns, and casualties mounted.

"AAAAH! ...T-twenty ships sunk with one hit! All hands lost!"

"Damn it! This is... This is unacceptable!"

"Disperse! If we don't disperse, we'll be—!"

"It's no use! Retreat! We can't possibly match such opponents! Abandon our equipment and retreat!"

By the time one-tenth of the fleet was lost to the bombardment, attacks from similar iron wyverns that had flown over the fleet earlier began.

Approaching at high speed, attacking formations consisting of dozens of them began assaulting the fleet.

With booming explosions, large holes were blasted into the hulls and masts of the ships, and unfortunate sailors were turned into pieces scattered around. Before the sailors could even lament, the ships sank in less than ten seconds.

Sharkun watched the scene in horror, and only when he saw the ships sinking and the sea littered with debris and corpses did he finally understand.

'We... we can't win like this... It's time to retreat...'

However, just as Sharkun was about to issue the retreat order, the ship he was on was hit by an attack from the iron wyvern. With a thunderous roar as they passed by, the ship's hull tilted greatly, and Sharkun was thrown into the sea.

"Admiral Sharkun's ship has been sunk!"

"Damn it, where's the deputy commander!?"

"I don't know! I don't know who has command authority anymore!"

"Damn it! Retreat! Retreat!"

With the commander absent, the command structure of the Eastern Conquest Fleet malfunctioned, and except for 150 ships that barely managed to retreat from the area by 15:00, one hour later, the Lourian fleet became nothing but wreckage in the sea.

And thus, the Naval Battle of Rodenius came to a close. While the Lourian navy suffered devastating losses to the point of being unable to rebuild, the Japanese Empire suffered zero casualties.

The sea was painted red with debris and blood.

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