Chapter 18

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June 13, 1963, 16:00

Border Town Gim, Principality of Qua-Toyne

Gim had seen hell.

The Principality of Qua-Toyne had no means to stop the overwhelming numerical land forces of the Kingdom of Louria.

Under the invasion order of Hark Louria XXXIV, who aimed for the unification of the Rodenius Continent, over 300.000 land troops organized as the Eastern Conquest Army surged upon the 4.000-strong Western Knights defending Gim like a tsunami. Despite the overwhelming numerical advantage, the Western Knights confronted the onslaught with valor.

"Damn it! I've never seen so many wyverns! Are there more than the total number of wyverns in our country!?"

"Don't falter! Hold off the enemy for as long as possible, buy time for the refugees to escape! This is our moment of truth!"

"This is 2nd Wyvern Squadron... We will now launch a full assault altogether! We'll take down as many wyverns as possible. Commander Moizi, I leave the command of the ground forces to you... Glory to the Principality of Qua-Toyne!"

The 2nd Wyvern Squadron sent out all 24 wyverns, and the entire unit perished in combat, engaging in a clash with their Lourian counterparts.

Knight Commander Moizi, facing the advancing conquest army until the end, successfully evacuated his wife and children with the refugees.

'If only my wife and daughter could survive... I'm ready to die in a grand way...!'

Unyielding armies sometimes display unexpected strength, capable of dealing a blow to their opponents. The Western Knights, surmounting the bodies of their fallen comrades, continued to resist fiercely. They demonstrated such remarkable performance, causing casualties or injuries to nearly 10.000 soldiers of the conquest army's vanguard.

Thanks to the efforts of the Western Knights, they managed to hold off for nearly three hours. However, around 15:00, when the organized resistance of the Western Knights came to an end, their fate was gruesome.

The civilians who failed to escape became victims of looting, torture, and violence by the Lourian army. Women, in particular, either faced being sold into slavery at high prices back in the homeland or met their end after being defiled by soldiers.

Furthermore, the morale of the Lourian soldiers was exceptionally high.

Given the approval by Vice Commander Adem to vent their frustrations on what could be seen as revenge, soldiers relieved their battlefield stress by freely indulging in violence. Throughout the city, screams and killings echoed, and the streets were painted red with blood. At the feet of the conquering soldiers, who adorned themselves with precious metals looted from the elven family who owned a shop, lay a husband whose body was slashed with swords and spears, unable to move, and a wife whose ears were cut off, crying and begging for mercy from the soldiers.

In the house next door, a group attacked a beastwoman pleading for them to save her daughter. In front of her daughter's eyes, men assaulted her with violence, then finally thrust a spear into her lower abdomen, tearing her apart until she died.

They performed cruel acts with casual cruelty, as if trampling on frogs, enjoying the act of killing.

Demi-humans are not people, and those who are not people must be treated like animals they are.

This statement not only condoned but also mandated all the atrocities occurring in Gim.

"Hehehe... What a sight for sore eyes. I find it therapeutic... I'm very happy right now."

On Adem's face, witnessing the scene of hell, was a smile, like that of a father watching innocent children play, seemingly at ease. For this man, watching the demi-humans he despised being raped and killed was a state of fortune. His heart had never been more at peace.

A moment of bliss...

Most of the Western Knights had perished, and those barely alive were being tortured as prisoners, soon to meet their end. Only Moizi, the Knight Commander who had killed dozens of soldiers despite his injured left leg, remained.

"As a renowned general, did you still have trouble capturing him...?"

"Sir, I apologize. He killed sixteen of our men..."

"Whatever, that's unavoidable. However, let's give him an appropriate end...!"

Adem, using his subordinates, brought forth a monstrous creature with a terrifying appearance. Though chained, it seemed fierce enough to burst out of its cage. Inside the cage, blood and flesh were mixed, as someone among the demi-humans had already been devoured by this beast.

"Beastman devoured by a monster... Oh, what a wonderful fate! Since you're not human, there's no issue with this treatment, and it's a fitting end for someone who killed many of our soldiers! Your life will be a very lovely time!"

"You scum...! The actions of you Lourian scum will never be forgiven! I'll make you pay... Even if I die, Qua-Toyne will never submit to you!"

"Oh look, to still declare that even in such a hopeless situation is quite brave... Well, it's about time. Moizi, you will become the flesh and blood of our army's beast."

Moizi was forcefully thrown into the cage, where he became prey to the hungry beast. Pain surged through him with each chew, starting from his legs. Adem watched with delight, while the soldiers around enjoyed themselves, laughing and drinking.

Now, a renowned general was facing the end of his military pride. Should Moizi rejoice that at least his wife and child had escaped safely? Or should he lament such a fate?

As his strength drained from his body, just before he succumbed to death without resistance, he witnessed something flying in the sky, dragging clouds from afar.

Moizi recognized that flying object.

'Is that... the Japanese Empire's iron wyvern...!?'

This nation appeared out of nowhere that and caused an iron wyvern to crash in Maihark, then sent another iron wyvern to the capital to annex part of the granary area. Remembering the news of Qua-Toynian diplomats sailing from Maihark two days ago to negotiate an alliance with Japan through manacomm from the Knight Headquarters, Moiji inferred that the iron wyvern flying over Gim was likely sent for situational awareness after the alliance was formed.

'So... has Japan come to our aid...? Ah, then... we might be able to defeat them.'

In his fading consciousness, Moizi hoped that Qua-Toyne and the Japanese Empire would avenge the pain and tragedy they had suffered. With a sinister smile, Moizi uttered his last words to Adem.

"The next to witness hell will be you. I'll be waiting for you in hell..."

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