Chapter 28

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Thank you for waiting.

- Alexei Seizon BOT Ojisan


June 18, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 06:00

Gim, Lourian occupied territory

Commanding the unit assigned to recapture Gim is Lieutenant General Ōuchida. During the Sino-Japanese War, he served alongside Mutō, responsible for the South China Campaign. He was discontent with Mutō's harsh methods of governing the occupied territories.

Fortunately, General Nishi, whom he respected, was dispatched by the Ministry of the Army to command a separate unit other than to the 7th Division which was dispatched to the Principality of Qua-Toyne, which was a relief for the man.

Nishi had already secured the northern port and had been in communication with Ōuchida via long-distance communication.

"General, it is believed that there are nearly 30.000 troops of the Eastern Conquest Army stationed in the town of Gim. We will soon launch a general attack after the Fugaku."

"Hm, lightly armored vehicles are hit directly by the incendiary projectiles released by those wyverns will catch fire. Similarly, aircraft are at risk of being shot down if their engine sections are hit. We will strike first."

"After the Fugaku's bombing run is completed, we will provide air support with Ki-66 and Hayate and then send in mechanized regiments to recapture Gim."

"Once we cripple the wyverns, victory will be ours. No room for complacency, hit them hard... I'm counting on you, Ōuchida."

"Yes, sir!"

As the operation commenced, Fugaku bomber formations attacked the town of Gim and bombed the location that served as the wyvern force's airfield. They used incendiary bombs for the bombing, a formidable weapon that had razed various urban areas in British military bases in India during the Pacific War and the final stages of the Sino-Japanese War in southern China that refused to surrender.

Whether fortunate or unfortunate for the Lourian army, they did not carry atomic bombs. However, it was a fact that a Fugaku, capable of carrying 20-ton bombs, was loaded with a sufficient amount of incendiary bombs to raze urban areas, even with just one aircraft.

"To bomb with Fugku... it's like going back to the Greater East Asian War."

"Indeed, instead of the sun, they'll see the morning glow from incendiary bombs, poor souls."

"Pilot, bomb bay doors opening... approaching bombing point soon!"

"Don't worry, the Fugaku can now adjust bombing points to some extent with computers. Go ahead without hesitation!"

"Yes, releasing incendiary bombs... Drop 'em all!"

Incendiary bombs were dropped on the town of Gim from a formation of Fugaku bombers. The sight was visible even from the outskirts of Gim, where the mechanized infantry regiment of the 7th Division was deployed, more than 15 kilometers away. Like reflecting the morning glow, cylinders containing incendiary bombs could be seen falling onto the town of Gim.

Immediately after, they struck facilities stocked with magic stones, causing a massive explosion. Reconnaissance teams confirmed that the wyverns will have a hard time operating.

"Confirmed hits from the air raid! Destruction of the wyvern airbase confirmed!"

"Excellent! The enemy is completely off guard! This is our army's first battle in this world! All units, attack! Helicopter units and aerial squadrons, provide support from above!"

Soldiers aboard Type 20 APCs and Type 26 IFVs gripped their machine gun and autocannon controls tightly as they began their assault on the town of Gim.

On the ground, weapons mounted on caterpillar tracks advanced, while overhead, sixteen Ki-269 Kasei attack helicopters manufactured by Hachibishi Heavy Industries formed squadrons to begin sweeping the area. Given the early morning hour, the majority of the Eastern Conquest Army deployed in Gim was still asleep, and the surprise attack by high-altitude bombings from the Fugaku had thrown them into chaos. To compound matters, attack helicopters and armored vehicles now advanced, striking further blows.

Even on Earth, these weapons could not be countered without enough anti-air and anti-tank weaponry. There was no way for the Eastern Conquest, which had lost their wyverns, to counteract them.

"It's exactly as discussed in the briefing... these guys only have bows and swords."

"Though they have siege weapons like catapults, they seem to lack anything resembling anti-aircraft weapons."

"Even so, we'll crush anything that poses a threat to infantry. Crush them with rockets."

"Understood, initiating attack."

The weapons left intact when capturing Gim, such as catapults, were gathered in one place in the town. Destroyed in an instant by attacks from 60 mm rocket pods, the fate of the Lourian soldiers who had been stranded without means of escape was sealed along with the catapults.

"This is the Hayabusa Squadron, we've destroyed the Eastern Conquest Army's arsenal. Lourian troops are fleeing, discarding weapons and heading toward the border... What are your orders?"

"This is the headquarters... they will cause trouble if they flee with weapons and attack us again. Consider fleeing enemies a threat unless they show surrender. Annihilate them. I repeat, consider fleeing enemies a threat unless they show surrender. Annihilate them."

"Hayabusa Squadron, understood. We'll annihilate the fleeing Lourian troops until we run out of ammo."

"Flight mixed unit 1, entering Gim soon... Engaging in combat."

Propeller-driven aircraft composed of Ki-66 and Hayate also entered the battlefield. They strafed fleeing enemies trying to escape into the forest, and unrelentingly dropped 250-kilogram bombs on locations presumed to be command centers.

The Japanese military has suffered the painful consequences of these fleeing soldiers when they returned with weapons, as evidenced by their experiences dealing with anti-Japanese movements in Mongolia and Southeast Asia. If the enemy returned armed once again, it would be considerably troublesome. The fleeing enemy might be hiding weapons. They might fight as soldiers again, possibly killing the Japanese. In that case, they must be thoroughly eliminated. The Japanese military, experienced in the Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War, understood this.

Even if they were technologically superior, if they didn't consider the possibility of the enemy returning for revenge killings and didn't carry out extermination, they would be the next targets.

"It's nothing personal... it's also part of our duty as soldiers."

Yet, pilots of combat helicopters and aircraft were still better off, for they didn't have to smell the stench of blood up close.

The mechanized infantry regiment about to enter would plunge into the chaotic town of Gim to exterminate the Eastern Conquest Army.

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