Chapter 16

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June 13, 1963, 10:00

Akasaka Luxury Hotel, Tokyo

The military alliance with Japan was necessary for the Principality of Qua-Toyne, as the threat of the Kingdom of Louria loomed close.

Their encounter with the military power of the Japanese Empire was overwhelming, blowing away all the norms they had cultivated, unlike their own military forces.

Upon their arrival in Tokyo, the Empire's capital, they were met with the sight of towering skyscrapers and bustling streets filled with interconnected vehicles and people. Before their eyes lay numerous manifestations of technological prowess, a culmination of the advanced civilization's capabilities, something unimaginable in Qua-Toyne.

During their aerial inspection of the capital from an Army aircraft departing from Hakata, Yagou and Hanki were overwhelmed by the sight of Tokyo.

"Even in Hakata, there were no skyscrapers like these... It's no wonder this is the capital..."

"And look at that... They even have elevated highways exclusively for automobiles..."

"Not to mention the construction of the 333-meter-tall building called the Dainippon Radio Tower... Truly, this is a great power beyond our reach..."

Sitting in the seats of a YS-11 transport plane, the same type as the iron wyvern they shot down, Yagou and Hanki undoubtedly saw Tokyo as a metropolis. Moreover, they were reminded that it was a nation possessing power far beyond what they could achieve with their own technology and resources.

The vehicle they were on, the people moving like specks on the ground, and the towering buildings reaching for the sky... Everything was a product of overwhelming power.

And now, a historic meeting was about to take place. In a practical discussion attended by diplomats from Qua-Toyne, officials from Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Prime Minister Takagi, discussions were held.

At the prestigious hotel in Tokyo, Yagou and Hanki approached the meeting with nervousness. Handing over a letter of introduction from Prime Minister Kanata to Takagi, they responded politely to reporters' interviews while being surprised by the cameras.

"I'm from the Asahi Morning News. What are your impressions of the Imperial Capital?"

"We feel that it's an incredibly developed city. There's nowhere in our country that has developed to this extent, and when we arrived in Hakata, it was my first time riding in a car... It's truly a series of surprises."

"I'm from the Industrial Promotion News. What are your aspirations for the upcoming alliance and how do you wish to maintain relations with our country?"

"It's undeniable that the Japanese Empire possesses overwhelming power. We are committed to maintaining friendly relations with your country and, if an alliance is formed, we will strive to meet its demands."

The journalists seemed satisfied with Yagou and Hanki's responses, taking notes or flashing their cameras in apparent agreement.

This scene was being broadcast live on television and radio, and especially in front of shops with street televisions or TVs installed, crowds of people gathered. It was an opportunity to encounter beings from another world for the first time, to the extent that even children skipped classes to watch.

"Oh wow, so these are the people from Qua-Toyne... They speak Japanese quite fluently, huh?"

"I hear our language is being used as a common language worldwide."

"That's impressive... If it were an unknown language, we couldn't even negotiate, then..."

"But somehow, their faces look more like Europeans than I expected..."

"I thought they'd look more like the Martians Mishima-sensei described..."

"I hear they have a race called elves with long ears over there, and many beautiful people too..."

"I've heard there are beastmen like Major Norakuro... I'd like to see those races too."

Seeing the diplomats from another world displayed on TV, the viewers felt relieved. Some weekly magazines even speculated whether these beings from another world looked like octopuses.

Especially regarding the incident of the military aircraft being shot down, with information circulating that they resembled flying dinosaurs like Pteranodons, it was thought that they might have draconian or otherworldly appearances.

If they had looked like Martians attacking humanity as in the famous science fiction novel War of the Worlds, resembling octopuses, perhaps some people would have fainted.

However, the appearance of Yagou and Hanki, who had faces leaning more towards Westerners rather than being exotic, actually provided a sense of relief, as they seemed like people from the same world they came from.

"In front of the Akasaka Luxury Hotel, a large crowd of people including us journalists has gathered. The practical discussions towards an alliance with Prime Minister Takagi are about to begin shortly. Since this is an important negotiation that will determine the future of our country, as journalists, we will be watching closely."

And thus, the practical discussions between Japan and the Principality of Qua-Toyne commenced at 11:00.

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