Chapter 44

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August 15, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, noon

Esthirant, Parpaldia Empire

The Parpaldia Empire is a nation that exercises practical control over much of the continent of Philades, strengthening its influence by puppeting or annexing neighboring countries. This nation forms the core of the Third Civilization Area and has established itself as a major power in the world, a fact commonly acknowledged in this world.

In the political and economic heart of Parpaldia, a situation has arisen that threatened the stability of the state. The catalyst was a document brought in by a certain nation, supposed to be from beyond the civilization areas, which had been sending tribute to them.

"How long do you intend to keep us waiting? Despite coming here in person, to detain our country... I demand to speak with the director immediately."

Asada, a Japanese diplomat who had been detained for over two months, impatiently addressed the receptionist at the window of the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau. Originally working as a diplomatic officer in Manchuria under the framework of the Japanese, Asada possessed the imposing presence and skill imbued with the temperament of the Chinese mainland.

Due to the economic crisis caused by the Yasuda zaibatsu and the Hawaiian Missile Crisis, which escalated to the brink of nuclear war between Japan and the United States due to the installation of ballistic missiles in Hawaii, which had been smoldering for some time, Asada was transferred to the Foreign Ministry in Japan with information obtained through Manchukuo and was caught in the transference. He and Tanaka were classmates and, due in part to the influence of Kishi, whom he respected, Asada had close ties to bureaucrats and high-ranking officials in the Foreign Ministry. And within him, he carried the pride of being the suzerain state of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, which had dominated Asia as an absolute great power in both economic and military aspects.

Asada, entrusted with contact with the Third Civilization Area, visited the Parpaldia Empire with a letter of introduction from Japan. However, the receptionist, a woman named Ryta, informed him, "I'm sorry, but the window is currently busy. Please wait until we've confirmed your diplomatic negotiation document," keeping him waiting for two months.

For a country that was at least the second largest economic power in the world and a military power rivaling the United States and Nazi Germany, such disrespectful treatment and behavior towards Japan were beyond Asada's limits.

In response to Asada's agitation, the receptionist bluntly refused his request with a mocking smile.

"I apologize, but... I've seen the content of your diplomatic negotiations... That's unacceptable. Even the director wouldn't entertain it."

"And what does that mean?"

"Not recognizing our Parpaldia Empire's extraterritorial rights... is the ideology for barbarians of the periphery. With such disrespectful behavior, there's no way to even consider meeting with our director..."

For Parpaldia, great powers should be treated as equals, and any unrecognized states or countries outside the civilization areas should present tribute or pass money to the receptionist through proper channels before being allowed to meet the director, which was considered 'common sense.' However, this common sense did not apply in Japan. Furthermore, granting extraterritoriality to ordinary Parpaldians, even if they were not diplomats, was equivalent to allowing them to commit crimes without being tried by law upon returning to their homeland.

For Japan, which had been pressured by Western powers to accept extraterritoriality in the late Edo period and had spent decades becoming a major power, abolishing extraterritoriality, Parpaldia's demand was nothing short of an insult. Asada felt infuriated by the arrogance and prejudice of a nation where Parpaldians didn't even question such matters, more so than Japan.

...No, to be precise, Japan indeed harbored similar arrogance to that of Parpaldia.

After winning the Pacific War, it ended up enriching the mainland through corruption and economic decay, leaving many in hunger and poverty in China and Southeast Asia, despite granting independence to Asian countries. In mainland China, various warlords were deliberately allowed to govern different regions to prevent any future rebellion. It was an oppressive economy where massive production, such as Nanjing rice, was produced for Japan, except for certain areas like the State of Guangdong.

Although the US and its ilk mocked them as "samurai slaves," there was still a difference from the Parpaldia Empire. At the very least, Japan would accept diplomats even from developing countries and allow them to pass through the embassy. However, Parpaldia couldn't even manage such basic courtesy. Their national character was steeped in arrogance and pride.

"Well... even from our perspective, if you're outside our civilization, it'd be nice to see some sincerity befitting that."

The receptionist woman spoke to Asada with a smile that could be seen as mocking.

After about 10 seconds had passed, Asada threw a new document from his bag towards the receptionist woman, as if he were tossing it.

"I've had enough of your country's insolence. Let's get to the point... This document contains details of the war involving your government agencies and the targets your country is aiming for..."

While surprised by the act of rudely throwing documents at the diplomatic window, the woman's demeanor changed as she read through the document. The confidence she had moments ago vanished. The document contained detailed information that only someone intimately familiar with the internal workings of the Parpaldian government would know.

It detailed not only the involvement of the National Strategy Bureau in the war on the Rodenius continent but also how various state agencies, including the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau, were interfering in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Altaras and attempting to incite war over the rights to the lucrative Siltras Mine, which boasted one of the world's largest deposits of magic stones.

Japan already knew about the Parpaldia Empire. And not just that, they had brought out confidential information that should have been kept hidden and flaunted it.

It was at this moment that the receptionist realized that the diplomat standing before her was not just some idiot, but a formidable monster.

"I know about your country's information. So, I'll ask again. Can I meet with the director right now?"

Asada glared at the receptionist.

Perhaps resigned to the situation, the female staff member, in a fluster, explained the situation to the director and was entrusted with guiding Asada to the guesthouse.

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