Chapter 52

117 13 1

September 20, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 11:00

Embassy of Parpaldia, Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

At a time when the coup d'état plan by Kaios' clique was reaching its climax in the homeland, masses of anti-Parpaldia demonstrators had surrounded the embassy in the Kingdom of Altaras, leading to a large-scale demonstration. And it wasn't just a hundred or two hundred people; the crowd filled the main street where the Parpaldian embassy was located. Many people hoisted Altaras' flag, some singing the national anthem, while others cursed the Parpaldia Empire with anger in their voices.

"Parpaldia get the hell out of Altaras!"

"We don't need those who demand the princess be turned into a slave in this country!"

"We are not your slaves! We are human beings!"

"Expel the ambassador!"

The Parpaldia Empire had yet to react to the demonstrators filling the streets. The trigger for this was the leaking of the meeting between Cast, the Parpaldian ambassador, and King Taara XIV of Altaras.

Two hours ago...

At 09:00 in Atenor Palace's audience chamber, during the meeting with the king, Cast boldly demanded the unconditional transfer of the rights to the Siltras Mine, contracted with Japan, to the Parpaldia Empire, as well as the offering of Princess Lumies.

"I find it troubling... that you so brazenly commit an act that could be called rebellion against the Parpaldia Empire..."

"What are you talking about... Mr. Cast, we merely sold the mining rights to Japan through legitimate procedures."

"That's right. The Parpaldia Empire and your country have had exchanges for many years. It's the first time you've treated it like this... really, does your country have no sense of position?"

Also due to his aristocratic status in the Parpaldia Empire, Cast repeatedly subjected the king to arrogant and insulting behavior. Taara XIV endured the situation with a poker face. If he were to lose his temper and attack Cast right now, Altaras would be doomed in an instant.

However, the Japanese had anticipated such a scenario and lent a certain device. Taara XIV had activated the device's button before the meeting, enduring Cast's high-handed behavior while listening.

"First of all, offering generous treatment to a newly emerging nation like Japan and treating our country with disdain... punishment is inevitable for such actions."

"...Mr. Cast, is that a threat?"

"A threat? No, this is a legitimate punitive measure, and it violates the treaty between our countries. Regarding your country's Princess Lumies, as punishment for violating the treaty, we intend to strip her of her royal status and educate her in our homeland."

"Stripping of status and education... no, isn't that no different from demanding a slave?"

"That's right, indeed. If you want to taste it, I'll assure the safety of Princess Lumies' life. Besides, she can live even if she becomes a whore..."

"As a human being, you..."

"Until the 22nd! We'll await your response until the 22nd. If there's no response by that time, we will consider Altaras to have intentions of rebellion and plan to dispatch troops from our homeland. It's best for you to be obedient and listen. BWHAHAHAHA...!!"

With him howling with laughter, Cast left the audience chamber.

And the proceedings of that meeting were being broadcast live throughout the Kingdom of Altaras.

This was due to the establishment of broadcasting rights for Altaras by the Japanese conglomerates Yotsui and Hachibishi, which had bought the rights to the Siltras Mine. This came from the fact that these companies monopolized the country's broadcasting rights, including its radio wave laws. Noticing the absence of radio wave regulations, they set up radio waves using the conglomerate's resources and established radio stations to survive. However, for Altaran citizens who didn't have radios, outdated or crudely made radios from before the war were transported and distributed free of charge in heavily trafficked areas of the capital.

At this point, there were fifty locally modified large-scale magic-powered radios installed throughout the country. What sets them apart from Rodenius International Trading Company's magic-powered wide-area communication device TFM-63 is the fact that they were provided free of charge. This was not for export purposes but as part of infrastructure development. By setting up broadcasting stations in the capital and broadcasting primarily in Le Brias, they were providing a new form of entertainment that was becoming their new pastime. Through these radios provided by Japan, live broadcasts of the meeting were being aired in the major cities of the kingdom.

People were angry as they listened to the disrespectful behavior towards the king and the remarks about Princess Lumies' enslavement. The radio stations were repeatedly broadcasting the proceedings of this meeting, and as people learned of the gravity of the situation through the radio, they gathered in front of the embassy, and the demonstration heated up. Eventually, some of the demonstrators began to throw stones towards the embassy.

The thrown stones broke through the window glass and directly hit Cast, who was holed up in a room. Fed up with this, Cast issued an order to embassy staff that should never have been given.

"Clever little shits... OPEN FIRE! Don't let them destroy the embassy any further! Use magic cannons if necessary! Disperse the demonstrators! Permit unrestricted use of weapons! Kill those savages!"

Cast ordered embassy military personnel and soldiers stationed at the embassy to gather and fire live ammunition at the demonstrators in order to suppress them.

Shots fired. Shots fired. Shots fired.

Summoning Japan × The New Order: Last Days of EuropeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu