Chapter 47

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August 15, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 15:00

Foreign Affairs Bureau Guest House, Parpaldia Empire

The guest house had become Japan's exclusive domain. At this point, the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau had no right to say anything about Japan anymore. Japan had become a military power in another world, renowned as a superpower worldwide. What Asada, a diplomat from Japan, proposed was tantamount to submission to the Parpaldia Empire.

"Our country has... several things we would like to request of your esteemed country. First, regarding the incidents involving the National Strategy Bureau in the recent war on the Rodenius Continent... we would like your country to extradite the personnel involved in this matter, including the director, to our nation. There is undeniable evidence that he supported war crimes."

"E-even the director!?"

"That sounds like interference in our internal affairs!"

"Oh? Haven't you, not just to our country but also to neighboring countries, imposed demands through the use of force? This time, due to that arrogance, much blood has been shed. People like those in the photographs... are you going to protect war criminals just because they are from your country?"

First, Japan's demand was the extradition of the director of the National Strategy Bureau and Inos, who had been providing military support to the Kingdom of Louria. Indeed, the National Strategy Bureau was an important agency that had contributed to the Parpaldia Empire through external pressure and intimidation of foreign countries, as well as investment and exploitation of the periphery. It was a well-known fact that Inos had extensively provided military support to the Kingdom of Louria using his own authority, including to the extent that it was being investigated by the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau. However, Inos was a government official in an important position in the country, and demanding the extradition of officials equivalent to ministers was almost like asking to hand over officials responsible for ministries.

And it didn't stop there.

"Also, we would like our country's products to be imported into your country free of tariffs..."

"Free of tariffs...?"

"But, wouldn't that mean loss of tax revenue..."

"Of course, our products are more advanced than the magic communication devices produced by your country. Our companies have entered the Rodenius Continent and are already trying to establish production systems. It might not be a bad deal for your country either..."

Next, what was demanded was the abolition of tariffs when Japan exported goods to the Parpaldia Empire. If tariffs were imposed, the selling price would increase accordingly.

With no tariffs, cheap Japanese products (including agricultural products produced in Qua-Toyne and the occupied territories of the Kingdom of Louria) would be available, temporarily enriching the Parpaldia Empire. However, doing this would mean that a large number of products made in Japan would be imported into Parpaldia, potentially displacing the magic industrial products produced within the country.

This was a genuine economic invasion, with Japan's four major zaibatsu – Yasuda, Hachibishi, Yotsui, and Kunitomo – still active, along with the newly integrated emerging zaibatsu from Guangdong, which, with government support, had unified to form the Rodenius International Trading Company, spearheading development and industrialization primarily in the new continent.

While there had been confusion due to the Yasuda Crisis and the resulting transference phenomenon in Japan, now, with Maihark in the Qua-Toyne as the base, rapid modernization was taking place. Industrial equipment and deliveries by piston transport, mobilizing all the locals and migrant workers from the Co-Prosperity Sphere caught up in the transference, have created a large base.

Maihark evolved into an industrial city with newly constructed factories popping up one after another around the port, after the construction of power plants and the establishment of power facilities. Neon lights and high-rise buildings, including apartments prioritizing construction speed over durability, now line the streets, making Maihark a city more developed than its own capital.

In just two months, Japan had mobilized its abundant manpower and industrial strength to base Maihark and aim for the industrialization of the Rodenius Continent. They effectively placed Rodenius under their control and demonstrated power befitting a suzerain state.

And their next target was set on the Parpaldia Empire. The extradition of the National Strategy Bureau's personnel, the demand for tariff-free imports...

Just these demands alone made Kaios' stomach feel like it was going to burst. It felt like their own actions were being thrown back at them, mirror image.

'To think that the things we've done would come back to haunt us like this...'

Even Thal and Barco looked worn out. They had previously boasted to weaker opponents and flaunted the authority of the Empire. As a result, now they were being pressured by diplomats from a much stronger country than themselves. Asada was confident that by making the position clear to Parpaldia, at least the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau would not take a rebellious stance.

"Director Kaios, we won't demand an immediate response... but we await a sincere answer by the end of the year if possible. By then, we hope your government will have communicated this incident to each ministry and advised His Majesty the Emperor accordingly."

"Ye... yes... Certainly, regarding this incident, the Parpaldian government will work together..."

"I'm relieved to hear that answer. Well then, we will take our leave."

Asada and Shinohara stood up and headed towards the exit. Finally, this oppressive atmosphere would come to an end.

As they breathed a sigh of relief, Asada stopped. Then, as if remembering something, he looked at Kaios without changing his expression and said, "Oh, I almost forgot, but regarding the Siltras mine in the Kingdom of Altaras, several of our country's companies recently officially bought the mining rights. It would be best for you to refrain from any aggressive actions for the sake of that mine."

Kaios barely managed to maintain consciousness.

After Asada and Shinohara left the guesthouse, he realized that the Parpaldia Empire had caught the attention of a troublesome superpower, including himself, and faced this reality head-on. Overwhelmed by exhaustion, he fainted.

For now... it's still a secret.

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