Chapter 25

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June 16, 1963, 13:00

Jin-Hark, Kingdom of Louria

The news that the Lourian Eastern Conquest Fleet, the largest fleet in the periphery, and 250 wyvern riders, succumbed to a humiliating defeat in a one-sided battle against the Imperial Japanese Navy allied with the Principality of Qua-Toyne at the Rodenius Sea, despite being constructed under what could be deemed humiliating conditions from the Parpaldia Empire, brought significant shock to the Kingdom of Louria.

Even though it was considered an outside civilization area, the dragon riders alone outnumbered those of many small nations, and with a navy boasting a fleet of 4.400 ships, it was a force not to be trifled with even by Parpaldia, a major power possessing magical cannons and the like.

However, not only were they utterly devastated by one-sided bombardment, but upon hearing that, apart from around 150 ships that managed to escape, the rest of the fleet was annihilated, causing a great uproar among the upper echelons. General Patagene, upon hearing the initial report, conducted checks with Prime Minister Maos to ensure the accuracy of the information.

"I-is it not an error to claim that 250 wyverns and 4.250 ships were lost within an hour? If they had suffered a one-sided attack and lost several hundred ships, that would be understandable..."

"The returning fleet has reached the northern port, but almost all crew members are in a state of panic. Despite efforts by Chief Court Mages like Sir Yamirei to calm them down with tranquility spells, they were still quite terrified during interrogation."

"In that case... the Eastern Conquest Fleet, including Admiral Sharkun, must be considered 'decimated'... What a calamity..."

Patagene's expression darkened.

For in this naval battle, the Lourian navy suffered such catastrophic losses that it might not be able to recover, he would have to report this to King Hark Louria XXXIV, despite the fact that the king rarely got angry without cause. Even if that were the case, it was his duty to explain the unacceptable situation where the wyvern units and the large fleet, which had been constructed with significant funds and resources from the Parpaldia Empire, were annihilated in just about an hour.

Since Admiral Sharkun, a key figure in the naval battle, was missing, a detailed report had to be prepared after sorting out all the details. Patagene, waiting for the return of Yamirei, who extracted information from sailors using magic, held a meeting with Prime Minister Maos in a soundproof chamber within Jin-Hark Castle.

"Master Yamirei, how were the sailors of the Eastern Conquest Fleet faring?"

"Ah, it was... an utterly terrifying sight... the sailors were so delirious with horror, they were out of their minds... there were dozens of them clawing at their ears, bleeding, crying out that they couldn't get the sounds of bombardment out of their heads... I've never seen such a horrific scene before..." an exhausted Yamirei answered.

What he, a skilled mage, witnessed were soldiers who cried out like babies, their minds broken after the great naval battle. For him, who served not as a physician but as a proficient mage, the situation was so horrifyingly dire that it required psychiatric intervention, and the fact that such a dire situation had occurred, pushing soldiers to this extent, was an undeniable reality, both for him and for everyone involved.

"Other mages conducted treatments... and I made inquiries with those who were relatively coherent to ascertain the outcome of the great naval battle. It was truly a one-sided affair... Even someone like me, Yamirei, has never heard of nations with the technological prowess or magical research capabilities described by the soldiers..."

"That would be... Japanese Empire, which formed an alliance with Qua-Toyne."

"Yes, it seems the attacks came from the naval vessels of this Japanese Empire... Initially, the wyverns were decimated in one blow, and then, from a distant location, the enemy's bombardment, along with attacks from iron wyverns, left the Eastern Conquest Fleet utterly ravaged... unable to retaliate in any way..."

It was no longer a battle but a completely one-sided affair, akin to adults strangling infants. As explosions echoed, pillars of water rose, engulfing nearby ships and sinking them, a sight resembling nothing less than a nightmare.

Furthermore, as Admiral Sharkun's ship sank, the vessel responsible for magical communication within the fleet was also targeted by iron wyverns, bombed, and sunk, leading to disarray as each ship fled independently.

"Every time the enemy ships fired a shot, more than 30 ships were sunk, and the entire area was devastated along with massive water spouts..."

"Thirty ships with a single shot...!? Even with the Parpaldian magic cannons, at most, if tightly clustered, perhaps three ships would be sunk per shot... Over 30 ships sunk with one shot!?"

"That's what they claim... And with Admiral Sharkun missing... considering him likely dead, it indicates the formidable strength of the enemy navy..."

The battle report was nothing short of a nightmare for the Kingdom of Louria. Even so, they had to give an explanation to the king for having suffered so much. Given the incredible nature of the losses, utmost care was required in presenting the report.

"Understood. Let's compile the report immediately and present it to His Majesty."

Patagene, upon reviewing the survivors' situation report handed to him by Yamirei, vowed to report to King Hark Louria XXXIV by 20:00 without any falsehoods. However, upon learning of the tremendous damage and the extent of the casualties, the King didn't immediately reprimand him; instead, he ordered a rechecking to confirm the accuracy of the report. Then, as Patagene left the chamber, the king sat on his throne, imagining facing such terrifying monsters, and began to tremble uncontrollably.


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