Chapter 34

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July 1, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 07:15

Jin-Hark, Kingdom of Louria

Countless cruise missiles hit the city of Jin-Hark, fired by the flagship of the Japanese First Fleet, the Yamato, and her sister ship, the Musashi. In light of the information from the aerial reconnaissance, they were launched to strike at strongholds where civilians were being armed, such as the Royal Theater and the Central Square. Missiles from other cruisers like the Ibuki were also engulfing the urban areas of Jin-Hark in smoke.

Upon impact, red flames and explosive blasts filled the surroundings. The citizens, who had been determined to fight to the end, were mercilessly obliterated, crushed under debris, and impaled by bricks and glass shards.

The cruise missiles kill indiscriminately, regardless of age or gender, incessantly bleeding them to death.

Screams, cries, moans, and copious amounts of red blood...

Everything... crushed and writhing.

This scene was also observed by helicopter units and armored divisions advancing toward the capital.

The 7th Division's 1st Air Squadron, composed of multiple reconnaissance helicopters and attack helicopters, had advanced ahead of the capital. Upon completion of the naval support missile attack, they were ordered to destroy ground targets.

"This is spotter aircraft Tsuru 6, confirming hits on targets from the First Fleet's cruise missiles."

"Tsuru 6, can you confirm any other approaching aircraft?"

"We cannot confirm from our end. We're maintaining strict vigilance regarding the wyverns."

"If you spot a wyvern, hit it mercilessly with anti-aircraft missiles. Despite their light armament, if they get close and breathe fire, they'll take out our engines."


From the perspective of the pilot of spotter aircraft Tsuru 6, this job felt easier than the guerrilla warfare in Asia they had been dispatched to during their time on Earth. There had been instances where anti-aircraft missiles and guns were deployed with support from the United States. Compared to that, facing a military that was inferior even to the Second World War, let alone the modern era, seemed easier than child's play. Perhaps due to a slight lapse in attention, the pilot and observer of Tsuru 6 were commenting on the situation as if they were watching a TV show.

"Just look at that, raining down on the capital in an instant."

"This is incredible... you don't see scenes like this even in large-scale exercises."

"Indeed, it's war... no, just a job of indiscriminately incinerating the city."

Even just watching, it was a spectacle to behold.

Medieval European cityscapes, unable to even mount a merciless defense, were being bombarded by cruise missiles without respite. It was as if shooting stars were falling from the sky, one after another hitting their targets and exploding into flames. At the impact sites, surely tens to hundreds of people were being torn apart, with secondary damage caused by the blast debris.

Yet, to the pilot and observer of Tsuru 6, it appears as nothing more than a scene of "opponents who ignored surrender being ruthlessly ravaged by modern weaponry."

At that moment, they thought the outcome was already decided.

"Huh? Something... moving from behind the hill... Gah!? Wyverns!!"

As the observer looked around, dozens of wyverns were flying by hugging the ground, and one of them was approaching. Charging with the sun at their backs, and with the influence of the small hills in the wilderness near the capital casting shadows, they were difficult to notice from the helicopter. Only the dragon riders who were skilled enough to survive were accustomed to flying at a low altitude to take advantage of the terrain.

The Royal Capital Dragon Riders led by Aldebaran attempted to approach along the shadow of the hill. And their plan succeeded splendidly.

"All right! They haven't noticed us thanks to the sun!"

"Captain! That bug is the closest! Let me handle it!"

"Understood, it shouldn't have noticed us yet. I'm counting on you!"

"Yes, sir! Our fallen comrades will be avenged!!"

"Even the iron insects are not invincible. They will learn the power of us riders!"

A wyvern took the lead and charged at Tsuru 6. The observer immediately advised the pilot to take evasive action.

"Wyverns confirmed from the left! About... 25! Two of them are approaching!"

"Shit, they still had air units hidden!?"

"This is Tsuru 6, confirmed enemy wyverns from the southeast! Total of 26! They intend to attack us!"

"Tsuru 6, evasive actions!"

"GAAAH! A wyvern is diving at us! SHIT!!!"

The pilot of Tsuru 6, having taken evasive action, witnessed a wyvern hurtling toward their aircraft at high speed.

Wyverns tend to temporarily decelerate when unleashing their fire. However, they saw no such thing. There were large barrels loaded on either side of the beast, filled with combustible magic stones, designed to explode upon strong impact.


One brave member of the wyvern riders launches a ramming attack against Tsuru 6. As the wyvern slammed into the helicopter near the fuel tank, the stacked magic stones exploded.

The helicopter and the wyvern exploded in mid-air, and as Tsuru 6's radar signature disappeared, the 1st Air Squadron found themselves engaged in their first air combat in this world against wyverns.

"When war breaks out, wherever one may be, whoever they may be, there is a duty to defend one's homeland and repel the enemy. One must be prepared to make sacrifices." -Chiang Kai-shek-

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