Chapter 57

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September 20, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 15:00

Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

The overall commander of the security force, Mutō, confirmed to his subordinates that the upper echelons of the Kingdom of Altaras were in a state of dysfunction. Through magical communication, he not only mobilized the security force but also issued a mobilization order to the entire Altaran military.

Simultaneously with the mobilization order, he calmly explained the situation to the Altaran forces.

"Gentlemen, this is Mutō, commander of the Japanese security force. Currently, the Kingdom of Altaras is facing an unprecedented crisis... The entire capital is under attack by the treacherous actions of Ambassador Cast and the Parpaldia Empire's military... Unfortunately, many members of the royal family, including His Majesty King Taara XIV, have been killed or gone missing, and Princess Lumies is currently unable to take command."

Princess Lumies witnessed her father being crushed to death before her eyes, leaving her immobilized by psychological shock, unable to move from the radio station. Furthermore, Lilceide, who was entrusted with guarding Lumies, collapsed from exhaustion.

As many members of the royal family held positions as military commanders in Altaras, the attack on the royal palace by the Parpaldians resulted in the deaths or disappearances of most of the royals. As a result, much of the kingdom's military was unable to act in an organized manner. They could only carry out sporadic counterattacks, and most of them were unable to move due to the confusion in the chain of command.

"Currently, with the highest authority in the Kingdom of Altaras vacant, I have been temporarily appointed as the overall commander of the Altaran military through a military agreement with the Kingdom of Altaras to restore order as soon as possible. The Altaran military, together with the security force, shall commence actions to defend the capital."

Exploiting the chaos, Mutō, through widespread magical communication, declared his seizure of power over the Altaran military without being questioned, taking advantage of the fact that even the Altaran military was unable to act alone and was stalled in the capital. This was not about protecting friendly nations; it was a usurpation aimed at exploiting the vulnerability of a friendly nation.

However, there was nothing the Altarans could do. Considering that many of the commanders were either members of the royal family or closely related to them, gathering them at Atenor Palace was both a tragedy and a confirmation that they were unable to deal with the worst-case scenario that could occur simultaneously.

What the Altaran military needed to do was repel the Parpaldians attacking the capital. By demonstrating that he was the highest authority in the military and would exercise military power, Mutō's instructions brought the various units of the Altaran military under his command. This was also a tactic he frequently employed during campaigns on the Chinese mainland. To manipulate them to his will, Mutō skillfully used words that would stir their loyalty.

"Currently, the Kingdom of Altaras is under attack by the Parpaldia Empire, and we shall obliterate them. For the sake of Altaras, and to defend this country, let us fight together."

With this call through widespread transmission, a great sense of determination swept through the entire Altaras. Under the instructions of the security force, the Altaran military could finally organize itself and commence military actions.

The fierce determination of the Altaran people, fueled by intense hatred, ignited, and they took to the streets, armed themselves, and vowed retaliation against Parpaldia. Among them, the security force quickly moved to seize control of Altaras' political center for their master, Mutō, and arranged for troops to head first to the radio station to secure the surviving royal family members. Simultaneously, the helicopter units stationed at the base, as well as the obsolete patrol boats anchored offshore, had already begun operations, fully armed, not against the embassy, but to annihilate the main target: the Parpaldians.

Furthermore, the following orders were issued to all units:

- In accordance with the mobilization request of the Kingdom of Altaras, all security force and Altaran military units shall commence operations to maintain order in the capital.

- Neutralize military and civilian personnel affiliated with the Parpaldia Empire.

- Helicopter and patrol boat units shall attack the Parpaldian fleet offshore to neutralize the wyverns attacking the capital.

- Defense of the capital will use any means necessary.

- Restore order through the use of force.

- Authorization for unannounced firing and destruction of forces affiliated with the Parpaldia Empire.

Under Mutō's instructions, the security force began to act. This was backed by Altaras' approval, disregarding any potential damage that may occur as a result of the official law enforcement operation. In the Mukden Incident and subsequent Nanjing Incident, Mutō's units gained notoriety for their ruthless methods.

Furthermore, when attack aircraft took off from the airbase and passed over the capital, the Kingdom of Altaras would be reborn in the worst possible manner.

A great conspiracy has reached maturity.

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