Chapter 29

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June 18, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 07:00

Gim, Lourian occupied territory

Accompanied by the thunderous roar of explosions, one-sided carnage was taking place throughout the town. Many Lourian soldiers knew they were being trampled upon by a force with overwhelming firepower, with no means to resist. Since a while ago, all that could be heard through the manacomm were the screams and cries of the officials in charge.

Creatures resembling winged insects and emitting unfamiliar sounds were circling the city and relentlessly attacking, much like an alien presence stirring amidst them. It seemed as though a monstrous entity had appeared, causing panic and confusion among the ordinary soldiers of the Eastern Conquest Army.

"This is the 13th Cavalry Squadron! We're under attack by unidentified flying objects! Damn it! They're targeting us! Hurry, ride the horses and flee!"

"Aaaargh! The watchtower was destroyed in one blow! The watchman is dead! This is unbelievable! Why is this happening—"

"Headquarters! Headquarters! Our units are already in full retreat without even fighting! Deserters are increasing due to violations of orders, we are pressed hard to respond!"

"What looked like enemy siege engines are approaching from the south of Gim! Those are quick! Faster than horses... Hey! That cannon is aimed this way! Run!"

The soldier responsible for manacomm trembled as he witnessed the ongoing chaos and paralysis of military functions, and reported to his superior, Adem, with shaking hands.

"Commander Adem... Th-the current situation report... not only from the sky, but also that enemy siege engines are invading from the south."

"Siege engines...? Wait, considering the untenable reality of this battle, it's likely the enemy is also deploying ground forces... What about the 13th Cavalry Squadron deployed for defense?"

"That's... after the last report of being attacked by enemy aerial objects, we lost contact with them... Other units are also in a state of panic, and the military's functionality is already being lost."

Adem struggled to suppress the impulse to beat the soldier who reported to him to death. Neither he nor General Pandour had ever experienced such merciless slaughter where they were the ones being hunted. They were always been the ones conducting the slaughter.

The Kingdom of Louria had become a powerful nation by annexing neighboring countries through force, transforming the myriad powers of the continent, comprised of local kingdoms and small nations, into a state system that upheld Human Supremacy, all according to the policy of the previous Great King.

In the process, they had subjugated weaker species and forced them to submit and kneel. Thus, faced with such thorough beatings, they didn't know how to respond. Their massive ballistae, the closest they have to an anti-air weapon, have been destroyed, and they couldn't find a means to counter.

"Adem! Can't we mobilize any units available right now?" General Pandour shouted at Adem.

At that moment, a deafening sound, as if eardrums were tearing apart, reverberated near Adem. As if the air itself were twisting with vibrations, Adem couldn't comprehend what was happening to him.


What he next comprehended was the sight of General Pandour's torso, standing right before him, being split into two halves. As he gazed at the ceiling, unable to even understand what was happening to himself, his mouth moved in a futile attempt to comprehend his demise. The staff and officers surrounding him also couldn't understand why the general had suddenly split in two. Eventually, when they noticed the large hole in the wall, one of the soldiers in the command center shouted in alarm.


Upon hearing those words, everyone plunged into panic. Their general had suddenly met a gruesome end. As soldiers panicked and tried to escape through the windows, their upper bodies were blown away, and crimson blood splattered along the walls.

'These attackers have no magical response!? From where—'

Adem instinctively lay prone. Just as he crouched, not only the walls but also numerous unfamiliar sounds, like continuous pounding, echoed through the windows. The moment those sounds rang out, the other staff and soldiers in the room, spewing blood, collapsed to the ground. Adem was the only one in the command center left unscathed.

'So that's... that's the Japanese weaponry...!?'

Adem immediately discerned that this unjustifiable attack originated from Japan. Qua-Toyne didn't possess such powerful weapons. Therefore, it was obvious that the Japanese military, with whom they were allied, possessed them.

'Anyway, I must escape from here... I have to survive to meet that—'

As Adem contemplated escaping from this place and what to do afterward—considering both his own safety and his political convictions, including the possibility of seeking asylum in the Parpaldia Empire—several footsteps approached, and strangely attired men barged in.

Men clad head to toe in unfamiliar attire. They resembled Cyclops-like monsters, with one eye, carrying large bags on their backs, from which flames erupted through long tubes connected to the bags. And their eyes met with Adem, who was attempting to flee the command center.

In this situation, Adem's only chance of survival was to immediately raise his hands to signal no intent to fight. However, unfortunately, due to a momentary defensive reflex, Adem drew the sword he carried on his waist. Perhaps he thought he had a chance if he drew the sword and attacked.

"Take this!"

However, it didn't go as planned. First, a large quantity of flammable liquid poured from the opponent's long tube, and simultaneously, flames engulfed Adem's body. Due to the massive blaze, moisture drained from Adem's body, and he writhed in agony. In no time, the moisture within Adem's body evaporated, and his skin began to char rapidly.


He suffered. Pain unlike any he had ever experienced assaulted Adem.

Unable to do anything due to the pain, writhing uncontrollably, unlike the other members in the command center, Adem experienced the greatest agony as he died.

Even after Adem's death, the Lourian Eastern Conquest Army continued to die in droves.

On the highways.

In the aqueducts.

In the squares.

In the forests on the outskirts.

Everywhere, the Japanese were hunting down the Lourians.

Within an hour, except for 34 who surrendered with white flags or raised hands, all soldiers of the Eastern Conquest Army were unilaterally trampled and killed. A hellish scene, with countless corpses, engulfed the town of Gim.

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