Chapter 37

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July 1, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 08:30

Jin-Hark, Kingdom of Louria

As the gates of Jin-Hark Castle were destroyed by tank guns, the soldiers held their breath knowing that the time for the decisive battle had finally arrived. Yamirei, who anticipated a limited shower of guided magic bombs, had prepared a large quantity of explosives inside the castle, including combustible magic stones, to bring the Japanese forces into close combat.

Yamirei spoke to Patagene.

"Sir Patagene, those capable of using magic have been stationed closer to the gates. They are ready to act at any moment upon your command."

"Very well... then, as planned... we shall coordinate the defense, centered around the Royal Capital Knights..."

Just as he was about to order the coordination of defense, a sound of unfamiliar pressure filled the air, reaching their ears.

Patagene's hunch screamed. This was the sound of Japanese iron-winged insects fluttering...

"Report! Japanese iron insects incoming!"

"They are launching simultaneous attacks from the air and land!?"

"We have no time, General! Prepare for defense immediately!!"

Before the knights could finish shouting, another onslaught was waiting to shatter their common sense. The watchtower of the castle exploded, causing a significant tremor within the castle where the strategy meeting was being held. It was a relentlessly one-sided destruction.

Countless rocket shells from the attack helicopters' 60 mm rocket pods mowed down the soldiers hiding behind the castle walls, towers, and any cover in the gaps. Simultaneous explosions caused internal organs, stored within the arms and bodies of those who had been conversing moments ago, to scatter around. Even destructive magic didn't seem to match the devastating magical attacks unleashed by the Japanese iron insects, except perhaps for the destructive magic of the powerful Parpaldia Empire.

Yet, even the destructive magic of the Parpaldia Empire seemed powerless against the onslaught of magic unleashed by the Japanese iron insects. Though not guided, these manual and visual attacks effectively crushed threatening longbowmen and catapult units.

"This is Tsurugi 1, we have visual confirmation of the destruction of the siege weapons near Hark Castle. Let's pay back what the wyverns had done."

"Tsurugi 3 to Tsurugi 1, confirming individuals near the gates wearing white robes... are those mages?"

"If they are mages, they'll utilize magic attacks. Eliminate them if you can see them. Tsurugi 3 and 4, take out the mages."

"Copy, we'll use rockets and guns to kill them."

"We'll provide you with all the rocket shells you need! Tsurugi 5... Ōta will be avenged!"

"Tsurugi 1 to all units, proceed as planned to eliminate any ground threats. Don't hold back. Scorch the fields if necessary."

The attack helicopters split into two groups to initiate the assault.

One was tasked with destroying the weapons around the castle. They systematically destroyed any visible enemies, including catapult units. Some had laid in wait, covered by cloth, but they were exposed from above by the helicopters.

"It's the thrice-damned iron insects! They're attacking!"

"Damn them! They can see us!?"

"Hurry! Cast the magic spells! Shoot fireballs!"

"Faster! Faster!"

The mages had thought they were well hidden from view from the castle gates. At least, they had planned to hide behind barricades made of carts and tables, casting fire magic to incinerate the Japanese tanks invading from the gates. But when the helicopter units positioned themselves directly above them, their plan quickly fell apart.

"These guys... wielding staffs... damn it, they're combatants..."

"Tsurugi 4 to Tsurugi 3, we've already suffered casualties. No need to hold back, shoot without hesitation."

"Ah, yeah... Tsurugi 3, commencing attack!"

"Tsurugi 4, commencing attack! Take them down!"

While maintaining their attack posture, the helicopters fired rockets at the mages. Red liquid and body parts flew from where they were hit, creating a mist of blood. Human bodies were easily blown apart by a single explosive.

The knights weren't silent either; the heavy infantry units guarding the mages were futile against the rockets, which were capable of penetrating enemy tanks and armored vehicles. Perhaps spurred by the loss of their wyverns, some in the helicopter units showed notable aggression.

"Shit, we're out of rockets..."

"Captain, let's return for resupply."

Tsurugi 4 didn't hide his frustration at losing his friend, Ōta, the pilot of Tsurugi 5, to a wyvern's suicide attack. He continued to relentlessly trigger rocket launches toward the positions where the mages and heavy infantry were attempting to protect them were. By the time the rockets ran out, the area was covered in a sea of red. However, Tsurugi 4's rage and determination peaked.

When the copilot suggested returning for resupply, he punched him through his helmet with his right hand.

"You idiot! We won't achieve anything like that... huh?! That bastard! He shot from the gap in the castle walls!?"

"Captain! We haven't received orders to attack the castle yet, though!?"

"You shut your mouth! Only those willing to die attack! Kill the combatants unless they surrender! Like this!"

Someone inside the castle aimed their arrow's shot at Tsurugi 4's cockpit. Despite being enchanted, the arrow couldn't penetrate the bulletproof glass. However, the pilot, enraged by the arrow hitting, fired the 13 mm machine gun instead of rockets.

With the roaring sound of gunfire, the small attack hole in the castle's gap widened, and soon after confirming the emergence of countless red mists, Tsurugi 4 continued to soar to find the combatants outside the castle.

The battlefield overheats.

Summoning Japan × The New Order: Last Days of EuropeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz