Chapter 9

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June 3, 1963, 16:00

Over the capital of the Principality of Qua-Toyne, helicopters from the Japanese Empire came with a loud droning sound. The column of helicopters, flying in formations of three, flew in a single file, with the Qua-Toynian wyverns conducting surveillance flights around them.

The notice was given by the Qua-Toyne to the Japanese Empire that the dragons would escort the flying vehicles... but in reality, they feared that the Japanese might take some kind of military action, so they tried to limit their actions.

"What in the world is happening...? They're flying with those huge windmill-like wings pointing upward..."

"We've been strictly ordered not to attack, but... we can't allow them to wreak havoc in Maihark..."

"Don't be rash! Under no circumstances must we attack! The cannons of that giant ship are aimed at Maihark! If we cause trouble here, not only will our heads roll, but many people could become victims!"

"We understand, Captain... But still, it creeps me out to see them..."

Many citizens gazed up at the sky to witness the scene of metallic, inanimate vehicles flying through the air, accompanied by roaring sounds. These belonged to an unknown entity calling itself the "Japanese Empire," with red circles as its identification markings. Many citizens were filled with fear at this encounter with the unknown.

The YH-6 transport helicopter launched from the battleship Yamato, which was stationed off the coast of Maihark, and its escorts, two Ki-269 Kasei manufactured by Hachibishi Heavy Industries, landed one after another on the grassy square near the Prime Minister's official residence in the capital. Surrounding the square, ceremonial guards of the Principality of Qua-Toyne outwardly welcomed the Japanese Empire and greeted them.

However, the ceremonial guards, facing these unprecedented metallic creatures, felt an unfathomable fear, as if they were welcoming monstrous beings about to devour them at any moment.


"Then, you are really a nation from another world...?"

"Yes, indeed. We are also shocked by these sudden events. It is our intention to establish diplomatic relations with your esteemed nation and accelerate exchanges."

"An otherworldly nation... is unheard of, but considering there were only a few islands in that region, such as the Kingdom of Fenn and the Thearchy of Gahara... judging from your technological capabilities, it seems appropriate to see you as a nation from another world."

The dialogue between the delegation from the Japanese Empire and the Principality of Qua-Toyne, hastily convened in the capital, progressed more smoothly than anticipated.

The discussions included practical matters, including the establishment of diplomatic relations. Among them, the issue of food imports was important, given that Japan had been supported by food aid from the former Republic of China and the Empire of Manchuria before the transference.

'Up to this point... everything is fine... up to here... The problem lies with that topic...'

Tanaka, the diplomatic representative, knew there was a topic that had to be addressed, even though he wished otherwise. It wasn't just pressure from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but also from the Ministry of the Army.

Ideally, they had hoped for dialogues with friendly and moderate counterparts rather than sudden attacks like barbarians, but such soft approaches wouldn't work in diplomatic situations.

Instead, it was a matter of utmost importance that could determine Japan's future, with the Japanese military even prepared for possible military action against Qua-Toyne.

"Prime Minister Kanata... Recently, one of our reconnaissance aircraft was shot down by unidentified forces while flying over what we believe to be your territory... Do you have any knowledge of this?"

It was a reference to the YS-11R that had crashed on Maihark due to the attack by the Qua-Toynians.

If it had been an accident, there might have been room for redemption, but for better or worse, Prime Minister Kanata of Qua-Toyne was an honest man.

He declared that they shot down the YS-11R.

"I see that's a reconnaissance aircraft... However, it is a fact that our wyvern squadron's warning shots hit the power source of your aircraft, which we mistook for an aggressor. Within five minutes, it crashed into Maihark, one of our important port cities, and caused numerous casualties..."

Upon learning this fact, Tanaka had no choice but to express the opinions of his government and the Army Ministry, even though he felt overwhelmed.

"Prime Minister Kanata, our nation never intended to violate your airspace. Due to our status as a nation from another world, it was an accident that occurred due to circumstances beyond our control."

Indeed, since Japan's islands had been completely transferred, they had no way of knowing the surrounding circumstances. Therefore, despite not having any aggressive intentions, it was inevitable that they had violated the airspace.

"However, when it comes to our aircraft... no matter if it's an unarmed aircraft, the government of the Japanese Empire will have no choice but to demand not only a formal protest to the Principality, but also a responsible action..."

In response to Tanaka's statement, Prime Minister Kanata felt anger welling up inside him considering the sacrifice of his own citizens. However, if even unarmed aircraft could cause such a catastrophe when they fell, then what would happen if fully armed aircraft from the Japanese Empire attacked not only Maihark but also the capital...

'This is a threatening statement... Moreover, they're saying it's an unarmed aircraft. If armed aircraft from Japan were to flood our country...'

Kanata suppressed his anger at the sacrifice of his own citizens and slowly replied to Tanaka.

"Mr. Tanaka, it is deeply regrettable that the crew of your fallen aircraft, as well as inadvertently shooting down your country's reconnaissance aircraft, have suffered. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize."

"No, we also deeply regret the outcome, resulting in the deaths and injuries of many civilians... I will convey your sentiments to our government and personally recommend lenient measures. Considering this incident, I would like to hold a practical meeting again in the future."

To settle this situation amicably, an apology had to be made first. Upon seeing Kanata's sincerity, Tanaka conveyed to him that there would also be apologies from their side to the Japanese government and the Army, but a rift had formed between the two sides that could not be easily bridged.

The samurai wants a sincere response.

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