Chapter 46

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August 15, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 14:00

Foreign Affairs Bureau Guest House, Parpaldia Empire

"As far as we are concerned, the National Strategy Bureau is an independent department..."

"Even if you blame the department, the evidence is clear that you've been providing wyverns and equipment to a nation that carries out such atrocities. Whether it's your fault or not, your country's involvement requires a response."

"Then, you have to return our subject to us! Even exiled, we want our national—"

"No can do. He seeks asylum in our country and has already applied for naturalization as a Japanese. While we respect his desire for asylum, we cannot negotiate without being treated on equal terms at the very least."

"Grr... How far will you go against the Empire?"

"Pull yourself together, Barco..."

For about an hour, negotiations between Japan and the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau were conducted, but in all honesty, Japan had the upper hand. Despite any counterarguments or rebuttals from Parpaldia, Japan consistently refuted them. Kaios found himself unable to object further. The initiative in the negotiations had already shifted to Japan's side. Even if the Parpaldia Empire objected, Japan had valid arguments to brush them aside.

The Japanese diplomats, including Asada, were experienced, while Kaios and his team, having dealt mainly with countries outside the civilization areas, could only assert their authority through arrogance, provocation, and even intimidation. In essence, a power called the Japanese Empire was asserting its dominance over the Parpaldia Empire, challenging them for their seat in the Third Civilization Area.

Against developing nations on the periphery, they could assert their dominance through arrogance and punitive actions, using oversight force to conduct aggressive wars and silence opposition. However, the country in front of them likely possessed a national power equivalent to or greater than the great powers like Mu. Kaios understood that Japan, the nation before him, wielded significant power in diplomacy. Therefore, they found themselves constantly on the back foot, unable to assert themselves strongly.

From Asada's perspective, although they were a major power in this world, compared to the United States and Germany, which had continued to expand while bearing the risk of nuclear war in their former world, they were confident that they could silence opponents of this caliber. And, they needed to present evidence that they were superior to their opponents. They needed to show what kind of nation Japan was as a major power and the hegemonic power of the Co-Prosperity Sphere.

'Is this about the right time?'

'Yes, let's do it soon...'

Asada decided to strike a blow against Kaios and his team by showing them a certain footage.

"Well then, let me show you at least evidence that the Japanese Empire is not a country of this world."

"...Is that a magical projection device?"

"No, we don't use magic. This is a projector manufactured by our country's enterprises. I would like you to see the aftermath of the Great War that ended seventeen years ago in the world we came from."

"Great War...?"

Closing the curtains, Shinohara began to play the film using the projector on the wall.

What was projected there left Kaios speechless.

Japanese Empire: Ministry of Internal Affairs Production, Memorial Video of the Greater East Asia War

The text was not in the common continental language, so Kaios couldn't read it, but the footage on the film showcased the technological and military might of the Japanese Empire. There were giant aircraft carriers made of steel, larger than the Parpaldian wyvern carriers, being constructed in multiple numbers. On the deck of those carriers, dozens of aircraft powered by propellers were deployed, and footage of them taking off from the carriers and conducting airstrikes in a certain location began to play.

"On December 8, 1941... Japan declared war on the great power United States and initiated the Greater East Asia War for the liberation of Asia. At the beginning of the war, in the attack operation devised by Commander Isoroku Yamamoto, enemy aircraft carriers and battleship fleets anchored in the harbors of Hawaii, a territory of the United States, were destroyed, and the resources stored there were thoroughly bombed."

As Asada explained, he detailed how Japan fought. American battleships and aircraft carriers spewed black smoke as they burned, and oil storage tanks set up in the harbors were also mercilessly destroyed. The footage of the thorough destruction solely through aerial attacks was shocking.

'Those are... battleships made of steel... even such battleships are being easily...!'

Even Thal and Barco, who had been condescending to Asada and his entourage until recently, were forced to realize the overwhelming military power possessed by Japan. And the climax was towards the end of the footage, where a large mushroom cloud engulfed a certain island in an instant. It was Hawaii, which, although destroyed by a surprise attack on the Pacific Fleet of the United States at the beginning of the war, had recovered with its industrial and production capacity.

"On July 4, 1945... A single atomic bomb provided by Germany, then an allied nation in the war, was dropped on Hawaii, thoroughly destroying it, as you can see. Fifty thousand people, including those in urban areas, died instantly due to the atomic bomb, and the Pacific Fleet of the United States anchored in the harbor was also annihilated, leading to our victory in the war against the United States."

As Asada finished speaking and the film ended, Kaios and the three members of the Foreign Affairs Bureau were in a state of shock. They had only heard of terrifying weapons supposedly used by the Ancient Sorcerous Empire in legends and tales, but they were used in warfare, killing fifty thousand humans and destroying a fleet that was anchored, in an instant, seventeen years ago. This was a terrifying revelation for Kaios.

"Th... that was... the core magic from the Ancient Sorcerous... Ravernal Empire..."

"Right... it is often referred to as core magic. However, it's considered to be a type of atomic bomb or its derivative. Well, our country is still relatively new as a country not of this world, so I'll omit the details..."

"So, then... does your country possess these atomic bombs?"

"Of course, after the war, we were in opposition to the United States and our former allied nations such as Germany, entering the Cold War era... so we've mass-produced these atomic bombs and have enough to incinerate all the cities of your country and puppet states at the very least."

What a revelation.

Kaios held his head in his hands.

The diplomats in front of him were not from the Japanese Empire but from the Ravernal Empire, weren't they...?

And what was shown in the footage was from seventeen years ago, showing a nation that had engaged in an arms race without directly engaging in warfare until just before the transference. It was evident that they possessed weapons and armaments even more advanced than what was shown in the footage. The Third Foreign Affairs Bureau had lost the courage to simply say "NO" to the diplomats of the superpower before them...

Order surpasses all.

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