Chapter 38

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July 1, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 09:00

Jin-Hark, Kingdom of Louria

After a series of aerial attacks, Japanese mechanized units dared to breach the defenses of Hark Castle. While the royal castle possessed some functions of a fortress city, it was rendered virtually powerless against modern weaponry.

The 20 mm autocannons of the Type 26 IFVs mercilessly targeted the heavy infantry. Even for those who had managed to evade the aerial assault, the vehicles of the Japanese army appeared as grotesque monsters. Some made desperate attempts with suicide assaults, but most fell victim to concentrated attacks from Type 15 automatic rifles and 90 mm recoilless guns upon disembarking from the vehicles. While the aerial assault was fierce, the relentless and highly lethal attacks from the ground forces proved even more devastating. Above all, the inability to detect any mana from them heightened the soldiers' fear and significantly lowered their morale.

"It's no use! We can't fend off the attacks!"

"The entire vanguard unit has been wiped out! The castle entrance has been completely overrun!"

"They're mercilessly unleashing destruction magic! The casualties keep increasing!"

"Please! Grant permission to retreat! The attacks are too intense, just advancing gets us killed by the light bullets! Help us!"

The first floor of the castle is already beginning to fill with the bodies of numerous knights. The cavalry joined the battle after dismounting, but the armored infantry's armor was being torn apart as easily as paper with a pen, and blood spilled out. Any attempt to cast magic attacks from hiding spots was met with grenades or flamethrowers, turning them into thorough cover or burning them to ashes.

Amidst the screams and gunfire echoing through the castle, the Japanese forces continued to communicate via radio while dynamically maneuvering in combat. From the captured positions, they began to advance while clearing the enemy.

"The 27th Regiment has begun penetrating the first layer on the north side of the castle! Minimal casualties, no hindrance to the operation."

"The 7th Regiment is executing castle wall destruction on the west side, supporting the 28th Regiment's penetration."

"Is the capture of the king progressing smoothly?"

"For now, the enemy resistance is moderate, but there's no hindrance. Please send reinforcements as necessary. Ammunition consumption is higher than anticipated."

"This is the 26th Regiment, entering the castle from the south, encountering fierce enemy resistance, requesting support from the armored units."

"The 18th Tank Regiment will merge with the 26th Regiment and commence support attacks with grenades."

"Understood. In 5 minutes, each of you shall throw tear gas grenades to facilitate easier castle occupation."

The Japanese forces continued their methodical radio exchanges as they infiltrated the interior of the castle.

The sight of fully armed soldiers, systematically sweeping through and eliminating perceived combatants with gunfire and explosions, made it clear to the Lourians that they were facing opponents who employed tactics far removed from the typical magical attacks, which were customary for them. Those who specialized in magic studies felt a level of fear like never before. This was even more pronounced for students attending magic schools who hadn't undergone military training that had been gathered and convened.

"There's no mana, why won't the attacks stop!?"

"What the hell are those attacks?! If they were using magic, we should be able to tell right away, shouldn't we!?"

"I'm just a student! I don't have the extensive expertise like Sir Yamirei! But they're launching attacks that would require dozens of royal court mages to coordinate!"

"This is insane! This is absurd!"

"Hurry up and set up the combustible magic stones for delay and retreat!"

As a delaying tactic, Yamirei had devised plans to set up combustible magic stones throughout, intending to ignite them when Japanese soldiers approached. It was at this moment that the Japanese forces launched tear gas grenades against the fiercely resisting Lourians. Not only within the castle but also from above, tear gas grenades were thrown by Ki-66 close air support aircraft, causing further panic as the Lourian soldiers who didn't have masks suffered from throat and eye irritation and breathing difficulties due to the accompanying white smoke.

"What's happening!?" cough, cough...

"Damn it, are they using poison magic!?"

"Don't inhale the smoke! It'll burn your throat!"

"Quick! Use auxiliary magic!"

"Aaaah, my eyes, my eyes hurt!!!"

Due to the tear gas grenade attack, apart from mages who could quickly neutralize poisons, groups consisting solely of cavalry and infantry collapsed under the sudden assault. The 4th Cavalry Squadron responsible for igniting the magic stones became incapacitated due to severe nasal discharge and eye pain.

Japanese soldiers wearing gas masks then appeared, showering the struggling and suffering troops with gunfire.

"Enemy group neutralized! Were they hiding something in barrels!?"

"It might be bombs. Let the engineers deal with it. We'll continue heading towards the center."

"Understood. Inform the reinforcements that there might be bombs laid here, so be cautious..."

"Alright, let's finish this quickly."

To the Japanese soldiers, the gunfire and explosions were playing a familiar tune, akin to the seasoned methods used to quell anti-Japanese movements and riots in Mongolia and Southeast Asia. They advanced into the castle without hesitation.

The gunfire and explosions are playing a musical score.

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