4|no unicorns

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I do NOT own Teen Wolf

Question of the Chapter: What's your fav television show, other than Teen Wolf

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After I finished having dinner with my mother, I went upstairs to my bedroom and unpacked my schoolbag. I ended up sitting at my desk studying for several hours. We hadn't received a lot of homework, but I'd rather be a bit ahead, then be falling behind when the year had barely begun.

A couple of hours went by, before I put away my books and turned on my bedroom television to watch some more Supernatural.

Half-way through an episode, my phone started ringing. Since Isaac had told me that he would call me later, I hadn't bothered to actually read the caller ID.

"Hey babe, how was the rest of your day?" I asked sweetly. The line remained silent, but I could hear someone breathing on the other end. My eyes went wide, as I pulled the phone away to check the ID.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I saw that it was only Stiles. That could have been really embarrassing if it were someone else.
"Oh, my gosh, sorry Stiles, I thought you were Isaac. I didn't check the screen first," I laughed.

I could just imagine him, stuttering awkwardly wherever he was – most likely his bedroom - trying to figure out what to say in response to me calling him 'babe' accidently.

"Oh. Right. Okay. Uh, anyway, there's something important I need to talk to you about. It's about Scott. I've spoken to my dad. They said something about the body, something about what they found on it-" He spat out in a massive mouthful.

"Stiles, slow down. How much Adderall have you had?" I looked over to the clock on the bedside table. "And what's so important that you had to call at midnight?"

"I had some earlier, and I couldn't sleep because my dad was at work late, anyway, he came home and told me what he found out and-"

"You mean you pestered him until he told you?" I butted in. Stiles wasn't one to back-off when it came to details of police cases that grasped his attention.

He started making shushing sounds as he continued, "Details, details. Anyway, the results from the lab came back about the hair they found on the dead body, and you'll never believe what they came back as!"

We sat quietly for a moment, before I sighed tiredly, "My silence is your cue, Stiles."

"Right. Well it was wolf hair, Riley! Wolf hair! You know what that means?"

"No unicorns?" I responded. Technically, I wasn't wrong.

Stiles coughed a little, "Well, yeah. Kinda. But it's something else. I think there are werewolves in Beacon Hills."


"I'm serious, okay? I mean, you know how weird this town is. And I don't think it's a coincidence that wolves are suddenly in town. Please believe me, Riley. I need someone to believe me."

Breathing out slowly, I accepted defeat, "Alright. Well, what are we going to do?"

"We need to convince Scott. He needs to believe what's going on."

I groaned as I sat up in my bed, "Why couldn't you call him?"

"Because, you've got a more believable voice," he replied, as if that were a plausible excuse for not calling Scott himself.

"Right. Why don't we just do a group call or something?"

The line went silent for a moment, and I could only hear Stiles breathing, before he spoke again. "I didn't actually think of that. That's a good idea. Let's try that." I heard beeping as Stiles called Scott, adding him to our call.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now