30|ice skating

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I do NOT own Teen Wolf

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By the way, her sister's name has been changed to Charlotte, because Leah is close to Leia, and Stiles makes a lot of Star Wars references throughout season 3 hahaha


"So, you and Stiles haven't spoken in days. What's going on?"
Scott sat across from me at the lunch table, eyes curious as he looked at me. I decided just to stare at my lunch tray, and the poor excuse for a burger sat upon it.

My jaw clenched as I peered up at him. "I just had this conversation with your girlfriend. Why don't you ask her? I hear you two share a lot of things."

He visibly winced at my words, "Riley, she wouldn't stop asking, and I had to tell her something."

"You couldn't have lied?" I hissed. "It was hard enough to talk to you about that, Scott. And you know how girls are. Now she wants me to talk to him."

"Maybe you should." When my glare reached him, he threw his hands up in defense. "I'm just saying, could it really get worse? You're already not talking. And if you won't tell me, then I will ask Allison. I'm worried about you both, Ri. You've been friends too long to stop now."

I felt my expression soften. They were my friends, and friends are supposed to care. He was just doing his job was all.
"Fine, I'd rather her tell you anyway. Saves me having to discuss the whole ordeal again."

Just as he was about to reply, Stiles threw himself down into the chair beside me where his lunch awaited, dropping a set of keys onto the table.
"Got 'em. Pick you up right after work tonight and we'll meet at the rink, cool?"

I noticed Scott's eyes flicker over to me, raising his eyebrows.
Stiles' posture tightened beside me, a low breath escaping him. "Riley, do you want a ride as well?"

"Uh-" I was about to answer, when I saw Scott looking rather strangely at something.

Swiveling in my chair, I turned to see someone walking into the cafeteria. No, walking wasn't the right word. This girl was strutting.

She wore leopard print heels, a skirt that was clearly too short, a tight white shirt and a black leather jacket. To accompany this, she had applied a smokey eye shadow and blood red lip stick.

It was Erica Reyes; and she looked amazing. Way different to just yesterday.

She strutted up to a table and picked up a boy's apple, taking a large bite out of it, wiping the edge of her mouth with a smirk.

Hands slammed down onto our table, only taking my attention away from the remade Erica; the boys continued to stare. Lydia stood with a very unimpressed look on her face.

"What . . . the holy hell . . . is that?" She asked, eyes wide.

I sighed at the boys ogling over her. "That would be Erica."

With a smirk, said girl strutted right back out of the cafeteria, looking back to see if we were watching her leave. The boys stood up and I followed suit, rushing after her and leaving Lydia alone with our lunch.

We arrived at the front doors of the school just in time to see her smile and get into a car. This car, of course, was owned by Derek, who was sitting in the driver's seat looking pretty smug.

They sped off together, leaving us to watch them go. Derek had changed her. Erica was a werewolf now as well.

But why these teenagers? First Isaac, and now Erica. Did Derek actually have an endgame here?

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now