5|the party

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I do NOT own Teen Wolf

OMG the first ep is over in this chapter!

Question of the chapter - What's your favourite book?

P.S. sorry this chapter is late guys, I had something on yesterday and my mind was just all over the place.

Please comment, share and vote!

The two of us arrived at Lydia's house, where the party was already in full swing. The amount of people and noise, you could practically feel the music vibrating through the ground. We walked up to the door, and knocked on the large slab of wood.

After a few moments, one of our classmates had finally opened the door, and walked away. Stiles held a hand out in front of himself, gesturing for me to enter. I nodded gratefully, doing so, and waiting in the entry way for him to follow.

After shutting the door, we just stood in the foyer, unsure of where to go. I noticed Stiles eyeing a few of his team mates, who he gave curt waves to. "You go and socialize, or whatever, I'm gonna look for Isaac."

"You sure? I can help you look if you like," he offered, grinning as always.

"It's fine, go over to them. I'll manage. Thanks," I replied with a small smile. I then ventured further into the house, searching for the boy with the curls.

The house was massive. Not spiral stair case, marble floors, and chandeliers massive, but suburbs massive. Fancy wood floors, two stories, pool, large rooms; the whole shebang. Not surprising, however, considering that Lydia's parents were loaded.

After ten minutes of searching the whole house, and walking in on at least three make out sessions that were definitely going somewhere - making me glad that I hadn't checked those rooms later – I gave up, figuring that if he were here I would have already found him. Or at least seen him.

I sat at the foot of the stair case, looking out across the house and seeing all my classmates enjoying themselves. I couldn't help but believe that this was something he would do.

Parties made him uncomfortable on their own, let alone, a party with all of his lacrosse team mates and peers. I pulled out my phone and typed out a message to Isaac.

> Hey, babe, where are you?

I patiently waited for a reply, hoping for it to be soon. I watched everyone else dancing, talking, and having a good time, whilst I sat there doing nothing. I mean, I could have gotten a drink or something, but I didn't want to have to talk to people I didn't know.

Clicking the phone to life, I was welcomed with a blank screen. No notifications.

"You okay?" A voice asked. I glanced forward, to see a pair or legs standing before me. My eyes travelled up to their face to discover who was speaking to me.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite lacrosse player," I smiled, standing up and taking the red cup that Stiles was holding out to me.

He frowned, "Are you okay? Why are you over here alone?"

"I'm fine thanks. I just-" I sighed heavily, "I think Isaac changed his mind about the party. He's been really off lately, and I just – I don't know what to do."

"Again?" Stiles' eyebrows rose with his question. I felt nervous as I dropped my head and looked at his feet. Stiles let out a long breath, before swinging an arm around my shoulders.
"It's fine, you can talk to him about it tomorrow. Right now, you're going to pick your head up, smile, and come have a drink with me. Then we're going to dance, and you're going to have fun. Okay?"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now