66|panic attack

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Thanks to those who are still commenting and voting, knowing you're still there means a lot to me.

I just wanna let you know I'm going to try and keep with the week to week, but I am back at uni now so some weeks may be slower than others.

I've decided this story will be ending after season 3B, but I really hope you guys will still finish this book with me. I'm sorry it has taken as long as it has xo

I do have some stories sitting in my works, so who knows what's to come. I considered stopping writing altogether, but it's a fun hobby and it's awesome to see that everyone enjoys it like I do. So, we'll see.


Mr Argent began to put gun after gun on the desk in front of us, looking through them all. It was great and all, but none of us knew how to use a gun. Well, potentially Allison.

While he continued to lay out almost his whole collection, Allison was off to the side spinning her butterfly knives. She headed over to the desk, sitting them besides her father's guns.

"I thought you guys were retired," Stiles pointed out, eyes wide as he observed all of the weapons.

"Retired, yes," Mr Argents agreed. "Defenseless, no. Make sure your phones are on. If you hear from Scott, you let us know immediately."

Stiles pulled out his phone as if the single act would mean that Scott hadn't walked away with Deucalion. No luck.
"Yeah, I'm thinking that's gonna be kind of unlikely."

We all exchanged glances at the comment, knowing what Stiles was referring to.
"Give him a bit of credit, Stiles. And his mum is missing; he's on edge."

Mr Argent nodded, "You all need to try to remember he's just doing what he thinks is right."

Suddenly a voice came from the door.
"I can't shoot a gun or use a crossbow, but. . . well, I'm getting pretty good with these," Isaac flexed his fingers and brought out his claws.

I walked over to him and gave him a hug, avoiding the claws. "I'm so glad to see you. Are you okay?"
And I was worried about him. I hadn't seen him since Boyd was murdered and he hadn't really been answering my calls.

He nodded, "Not great. Better now that I'm seeing you."

I rolled my eyes as I pulled away from him, shoving his shoulder lightly. "Cute," I chuckled as I walked back over to Stiles.

My boyfriend put his arm around me protectively as Isaac walked into the room, and I just rolled my eyes again. I couldn't believe he was jealous of Isaac.
"What now, Mr Argent?"

Ignoring the weird little exchange we'd just had, Mr Argent moved on. "Allison, Isaac and I will go to the bank and see if we can find anything. You and Stiles will go and get Lydia. If she really can find the bodies, maybe we can use that. But right now, you're all going to go home and try and get some sleep. You're no good to anyone tired."

"Alright. Stiles, let's go."

We were quick to leave and get in the Jeep, heading over to the hospital so that my car wasn't left there.

It was quiet for the first few minutes, until Stiles cleared his throat.
"So, what was that with you and Isaac?"

I almost scoffed as I looked over to him. He didn't make eye contact as he kept his sight on the road.
I couldn't believe he was actually doing this right now.

"Really, Stiles?" I mean, honestly. "After all that we've been through, and everything that I said at the motel, you think that I would flirt with Isaac?"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now