40|the freezer

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I do NOT own Teen Wolf

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Thanks for being patient guys.

Prepare yourself for some freezer related emotions.


The door creaked as I slowly entered the house. I had rarely been in there, so it felt weird. Especially without Isaac there with me.

Taking careful steps, I headed straight for the basement door.

The whole house was dark and empty, dust already beginning to gather on the furniture. The air felt heavy with silence, pulling at my lungs, each small sound echoing through the rooms. It felt wrong being there; the home itself felt darker than it appeared.

I finally reached the basement door. It had been replaced since Scott smashed it when he was here last. I think they were planning to sell it eventually, so that was why there was a fresh new one hung on the hinges.

Standing there for a couple of moments, I attempted to prepare myself. Both Isaac and Scott didn't want me to know what was down here; was I really about to go and see anyway?

Yes. Yes I was.

Taking a deep breath to compose myself, I slowly turned the knob on the door. It opened without a sound, the movement almost eerie.

Instead of turning on the light, I decided just to use the flashlight on my phone. Less light, therefore less chance of someone seeing it through any windows and calling the sheriff's station.

I walked down the steps cautiously, using the light to guide my way.

The basement looked like any other from where I was standing. Shelves filled with paints and tools and such, boxes labelled and stacked upon each other, some old furniture, and a freezer.

I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be looking for, so I just stood there in the middle of the room with the flashlight pointing at random objects. Thinking back to when I followed Derek and Scott, I remembered how Scott found what Derek wanted to show him.

Peter said something about me, and Stiles seemed to think I was different also. Maybe I could do the same as Scott.

It was worth a try.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting the feeling of the room wash over me.

A minute passed and nothing happened. I grumbled in frustration, stomping my foot like a child.

Trust your instincts. That's what Derek had said.

"I can do this," I coached myself.
After turning the flashlight off, I closed my eyes once more, allowing myself to be submerged in the darkness.

I felt air tickling the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine and through my body. With every breath I felt like I was able focus better.

I opened my eyes and walked over to the freezer. It was large, like the industrial type you would find in a restaurant or something like that. But something felt off. Something about it made my chest tight and throat dry.

Resting my hands beneath the lid, I lifted it slowly. Once it was completely open I grabbed my phone and turned the flashlight back on.

Gasping, I almost dropped my phone in shock. My free hand covered my mouth, trapping any sound I could have made.

The inside of the freezer was covered in scratches. Scratches left by fingernails. Taking my hand away from my mouth, I ran my fingers over the marks indented in the inside of the lid.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now