84|eichen house

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There were a few of you asking for her to go to Eichen with Stiles (crazy people), so there you go hahaha

Side note: I have had this planned for a while, so I'm glad there were some people who wanted the same. I love hearing everyone's thoughts and recommendations, so keep them coming!


"Riley," a voice drawled. "It's time to wake up."

My breathing was heavy as I opened my eyes. I was in the examination room where I had been sedated, except everything was dark now.

"Over here, little sylph."

This caught my attention. Who knew what I was? Scanning the room quickly, I saw a figure standing in the shadows.
"Who are you."

"Who am I?" The voice growled in a low tone. "No. That is not important, little sylph. You should be wondering what I want."

"Alright, what do you want?" I spat.

The person made a noise that I assumed was supposed to be a laugh. "Everything. But first, I need something from you."

"I don't even know who you are, why would I do anything for you?" I asked quietly.

"Because, if you don't, I'll kill everyone you hold dear. Every last one."

I wasn't going to let some guy whose face I couldn't even see threaten me. I had been through enough. "For the last time, what do you want?"

They chuckled again. "I was going to have you help me out there, but then you went and made a scene in the hospital. So now you're in here. Such a shame. For now, I want nothing. But, later-"

This person wasn't making any sense.
"Sorry, try someone else. I don't do favours for creeps." I tried to sound fierce, but knew my voice was shaking.

"Little sylph. . . by the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging to help me."

The person stepped out of the shadows, walking towards me. They were wearing casual pants and a shirt, wrapped in a bomber jacket. But the thing that caught my attention, was that the head and hands were covered in bandages. The only part of their face I could see was their mouth. Except, it didn't seem human. Their lips were almost black, with sharp silver teeth within.

"That is my promise to you," he growled as he leaned over me, "Little sylph."


I woke up gasping for air. I was in the same room again, but the lights were all back on. This time, however, I wasn't accompanied by a nurse or the bandaged man. Instead, Charlotte sat in the chair in the corner.

"Char?" I mumbled as I woke up. I tried to move, but I was still strapped to the bed. My heart-rate rose as I looked around. "What's going on."

She walked to my bed side, brushing my hair to the side. "Hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay now. They're letting me see you before you're fully committed, but I won't be allowed back for a few days. You gave us no choice."

"What are you talking about? Why am I here?" I asked her, tears welling in my eyes.

Charlotte's eyes squinted as she looked at me.
"Last night in the hospital-"

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry," I said quickly.

"It wasn't just me," she said quietly. "You nearly killed everyone on that floor of the hospital. You almost suffocated eighty people. Do you understand me, Riley?"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now